Ace your Exams
Exams Pa-zedi offers the best online quizzes and tests for grade 12, grade 9, grade 7 students. Our tests and quizzes are from actual past examination papers, so you can be sure that you are preparing for the real thing.
Exams Pa-zedi offers the best online quizzes and tests for grade 12, grade 9, grade 7 students. Our tests and quizzes are from actual past examination papers, so you can be sure that you are preparing for the real thing.
Exams Pa-zedi offers the best online quizzes and tests for grade 12, grade 9, grade 7 students. Our tests and quizzes are from actual past examination papers, so you can be sure that you are preparing for the real thing.
Connect with the best teachers across Zambia who will provide you with the resources and tools you need to succeed
Connect with the best teachers across Zambia who will provide you with the resources and tools you need to succeed
Connect with the best teachers across Zambia who will provide you with the resources and tools needed to succeed.
Access immediate feedback from tests and quizzes so that you can identify areas needing improvement. Also receive recommendations on topics to focus on .
Access immediate feedback from tests and quizzes so that you can identify areas needing improvement. Also receive recommendations on topics to focus on .
Access immediate feedback from tests and quizzes so that you can identify areas needing improvement. Also receive recommendations on topics to focus on .
Are you tired of studying for long hours without achieving the results you desire? Work smarter not harder, with actual exam questions and solutions test yourself to prepare for the upcoming exams.
Are you tired of studying for long hours without achieving the results you desire? Work smarter not harder, with actual exam questions and solutions test yourself to prepare for the upcoming exams.
Are you tired of studying for long hours without achieving the results you desire? Work smarter not harder, with actual exam questions and solutions test yourself to prepare for the upcoming exams.
Our Most Popular Subjects

Mathematics Syllabus D
Test your skills in answering multiple choice questions from past examination papers highlighting your mastery of mathematical concepts.

Special Paper 2
Are you good with patterns? Questions here test your analytical abilities and your intelligence quotient (IQ). A variety of exam questions for the past 10years.

Intergrated Science Grade 9
Do you understand the ecosystem and its various processes? Do you understand the various organisms that exist within the ecosystem?

English Grade 7
What is a Verb? What is Noun? Rewrites can give one headaches like math. How good is your understanding of the written word.

Social Studies Grade 9
Is your memory good? Do you know our past and present? Can you remember the stories of ancient people, citing the rise and fall of ancient kingdoms.

How well can you explain the processes taking place within living organisms? Can you give an indepth explanation of the various systems in the Human body.