
Quizzes All Subjects

G12 Biology

1 votes, 5 avg


Biology G12

1 / 49

1. Which of the statements are true about Herbivores?

2 / 49

2. Enzyme Q is active in the human alimentary canal. Fig 6.1 shows the effect of PH on the rate reaction of enzyme Q

What is the name of the region of the alimentary canal where the enzyme Q is active?

3 / 49

3. Which of the following people needs the most energy daily?

4 / 49

4. In diagram H, what is the name of the end products?

5 / 49

5. Which mineral nutrient is required by plants for proper formation of roots?

6 / 49

6. Use your knowledge of bacterial cells to name two structures that the transformed plasmid must pass through to form a bacterium in stage L of Fig.4.1

7 / 49

7. Where does the enzyme in G operate?

8 / 49

8. Describe the changes in dry mass shown during each of the stages A,B and C in Fig.2.1

9 / 49


FoodCarbohydrate/gFat/gProtein/gVitamin C/ mgVitamin D/mg
  • The table above shows the mass of some nutrients found in 100g of four different foods.
  • Which foods would best prevent rickets and scurvy?

10 / 49

10. Which one is correct about Arthropoda animals

11 / 49

11. Describe how the location and organisation of genetic material in the human cell shown in stage K of Fig.4.1 is different from that in the bacterial cell shown.

12 / 49

12. Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite that is transmitted from one person to another another by a vector.

Resistance to the insecticide can appear in the vector population through a process of natural selection. True or False

13 / 49

13. Which is one is the function of the part labelled T.

14 / 49

14. Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite that is transmitted from one person to another another by a vector.

The spread of the vector can be controlled through draining of swamps and adding oil on water. True or False

15 / 49

15. All enzymes contain carbon. Choose 3 other chemical elements that must be present in each molecule of an enzyme.

16 / 49

16. Which of the following is not characteristic/a apart of the definition of a drug?

17 / 49

17. Name Cell C

18 / 49

18. what is the name of the substrate where the enzyme lipase acts?

19 / 49

19. A living organism absorbs glucose, releases energy in its cells and then passes out carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

Which characteristics of living things are described in the statement above?

20 / 49

20. Dry mass is the mass of chemicals, excluding water, present in an organism. Fig. 2.1 shows the stages of germination of a seed. Fig 2.1 also shows the changes in dry mass of the plant during these stages of germination.

What are the parts labelled D and E?

21 / 49

21. Nitrogen can also be made available in the form of nitrogen- containing fertilisers. Which of the following is not the possible effect of nitrogen containing fertilisers.

22 / 49

22. Name the part T

23 / 49

23. Name Cell A

24 / 49

24. Digestion in the human alimentary canal is carried out by the action of enzymes. Each food group is a substrate for a specific enzyme.

Fig.3.1 shows shows diagrams that each represent the action of  a specific enzyme to break down a substrate into one or more end products.

Diagram F in Fig. 3.1 has been shown to you.

What is the name of the enzyme in Diagram G?

25 / 49

25. Name the condition in humans that is treated using insulin produced by the bacteria in stage N of Fig.4.1

26 / 49

26. Name the Part U

27 / 49

27. Fig.3.1 shows the adult stage of an organism.

To which phylum and class does the organism in Figure 3.1 belong?

28 / 49

28. Water is needed for germination of seeds. State two(2) other conditions needed for germination.

29 / 49

29. Which is one is the function of the part labelled S.

30 / 49

30. Stage N of Fig.4.1 may take place in a container similar to that used in the large scale production of antibiotics.

State the name of this type of container

31 / 49

31. Which is one is the function of the part labelled R.

32 / 49

32. Fig 2.1 shows the lower jaw of a mammal

Name the types of teeth labelled D and E

33 / 49

33. Name the part R

34 / 49


BiuretPurple colour
EthanolWhite emulsion
IodineBrown colour

What did the food sample contain?

35 / 49

35. Which is one is the function of the part labelled U.

36 / 49

36. Name the Part S

37 / 49

37. State the type of reproduction that takes place in stage M of Fig. 4.1

38 / 49

38. Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite that is transmitted from one person to another another by a vector.

Spread of the vector may be controlled by using insecticide


39 / 49

39. Which of the following is not the effect on health of smoking tobacco?

40 / 49

40. Which of the following is part of the phylums in the Kingdom animalia

You can choose several

41 / 49

41. The dental formula of a certain carnivore is :

i:3/3, c:1/1, pm:1/2, m:2/1

What is the total number of teeth in the lower jaw of this carnivore?

42 / 49

42. Use your knowledge of the "lock and key" hypothesis of enzyme action to explain why enzyme Q is active in this region of the alimentary canal and not any other region.

43 / 49

43. This is one of the ways that nitrogen is made available for both plant and animal protein. Nitrogen in air- Ammonium - Nitrates- Absorbed by plants- Plants eaten by animals - Protein digested in animals.

True or False

44 / 49

44. Name the vector of the parasite that causes malaria

45 / 49

45. Which of the following is true about all enzymes?

46 / 49

46. Name Cell B

47 / 49

47. Three cell structures are listed below.

  1. Cell wall
  2. Cytoplasm
  3. Nucleus                                                                                                                       What structures are found in both palisade cells and liver cells?

48 / 49

48. The brain is one component of the nervous system. State the 2 (two) other components of the nervous system.

49 / 49

49. What is the name of the key used in classification of animalia?

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G12 Math

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Maths G12

1 / 43

1. Given that AD is diameter, angle BAC = 22⁰ and angle BCA = 60⁰

Calculate:  Angle DEC

2 / 43

2. The diagram above is a semi-circle and O is the centre. Calculate:

(i) Angle ACB

3 / 43

3. Simplify the above equation

4 / 43

4. Triangle ABC is a right angle. BCD is a straight line, AC=12cm and AB=8cm.

Express as a fraction

Sin <ACB

5 / 43

5. Rearrange the quantities in the descending order

0.00126, 3/2500, 0.125%

6 / 43

6. On the venn diagram above represents (A u C) n B

7 / 43

7. Calculate the gradient of the line Q

8 / 43

8. Solve the equation

9 / 43

9. What is the probability that a farmer chooses two hens which will give Two white chicks?

10 / 43

10. A farmer had 25 hens. 14 of the hens hatched white chicks and 11 hatched black chicks. The farmer chooses two chicks at random. (a) Write the missing probabilities on the tree diagram below

11 / 43

11. Find the values of x and y

12 / 43

12. The quantity 𝑦 varies as the cube of (𝑥 + 2). 𝑦 = 32 when 𝑥 = 0.

Find 𝑦 when 𝑥 = 7.

13 / 43

13. The first five term of a sequence are

4, 9, 16, 25, 36, ................

Find the 10th term

14 / 43

14. Solve the equation 𝑥2 + 4𝑥 – 22 = 0

15 / 43

15. The above diagram represents A' n B'

True or False 

16 / 43

16. find the product of above equation.

17 / 43

17. Given that AD is diameter, angle BAC = 22⁰ and angle BCA = 60⁰

Calculate: Angle CAD

18 / 43

18. Simplify the indice

19 / 43

19. For the numbers 8, 3, 5, 8, 7, 8 find the mean and median

20 / 43

20. The right angled triangle in the diagram has sides of length 7y cm, 24y cm and 150cm. What is the total distance of the triangle.

21 / 43

21. . Given that 𝑓: 𝑥 → 5 − 3𝑥, calculate: f(-1)

22 / 43

22. Solve the inequality 5 – 3𝑥 < 17

23 / 43

23. From the above function calculate f(1/4)

24 / 43

24. Triangle ABC is a right angle. BCD is a straight line, AC=12cm and AB=8cm.

Express as a fraction  Cos <ACD

25 / 43

25. Bwalya takes 2.5 litres of water each day. A full glass holds 125 millilitres of water. How many full glasses of water does he drink each day?

26 / 43

26. A certain hall was built in 1996 and cost K62, 000. It was sold in 2006 for K310,000.

Calculate the 1996 price as a percentage of 2006 price.

27 / 43

27. A certain hall was built in 1996 and cost K62, 000. It was sold in 2006 for K310,000.

Calculate the percentage increase in price from 1996 to 2006

28 / 43

28. Solve the simultaneous equations below

29 / 43

29. Simplify the above

30 / 43

30. The diagram above is a semi-circle and O is the centre. Calculate:

Angle OAB

31 / 43

31. Solve f(x) = 1/4

32 / 43

32. Nkumbu is cycling at 4 meters per second. After 3.5 seconds she starts to decelerate and after a faster2.5 seconds she stops.


(a) The constant deceleration                                                                        [1]

             (b) The total distance travelled during the 6 seconds[2]

33 / 43

33. . Given that 𝑓: 𝑥 → 5 − 3𝑥, calculate: ff^-1(8)

34 / 43

34. Given that the Earth’s mass is 0.010526315 of the mass of the planet Saturn, while the mass of the Earth is 5.7 x 1024 kg. Find the mass of the planet Saturn, giving your answer in standard form correct to 2 significant figures.

35 / 43

35. The diagram above is a semi-circle and O is the centre. Calculate: Angle ABC

36 / 43

36. Write down the equation of the line

37 / 43

37. A boy played Bonanza game 500 times and won 370 of the games. Afterwards he won the next x games and lost none. He won 75% of the games he played.

Find the value of x.

38 / 43

38. What is the probability that a farmer chooses two hens which will give Two chicks of a different colour

39 / 43

39. Given that AD is diameter, angle BAC = 22⁰ and angle BCA = 60⁰

Calculate: Angle BEC

40 / 43


The point 𝑋(6, 2) and 𝑌(1, 5) lie on a straight line. 
             Find the equation of the line


41 / 43

41. The first five term of a sequence are

4, 9, 16, 25, 36, ----------

Find the nth term

42 / 43

42. The point 𝑋(6, 2) and 𝑌(1, 5) lie on a straight line.

Calculate the gradient of the line.

43 / 43

43. Simplify 4+3 x 82+12

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G12 Chemistry

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Chemistry G12

1 / 34

1. Which of the following are not  sub atomic particles?

2 / 34

2. What is the other name for atomic number?

3 / 34

3. Atoms said to be electrically neutral because they contain same number of protons and neutrons. True or False

4 / 34

4. Name the compound SiO2

5 / 34

5. What is the chemical formula for ozone?

Write in the format Z5

6 / 34

6. How many atoms of different elements are present in the formula of the compound nitric acid(HNO3)?

1 hydrogen atom 1 nitrogen atom and 3 oxygen atoms

7 / 34

7. The compound copper nitrate,Cu(NO3)2 contains 1 copper atom ,2 nitrogen atoms and 6 oxygen atoms making the number to 9 atoms altogether.


8 / 34

8. Write down the chemical formula for ammonium sulphate

Use this format (XY3)2ZO2

9 / 34

9. How many atoms of different elements are present in the formula of the compound ethanoic acid CH3COOH?

10 / 34

10. Example H2+O2 = H2O  for your keyboard Use H2+O2=H2O  Just write the answer only.

Balance Mg+CO2

11 / 34

11. Example Li+O2=Li2O    use this format to match your key board Li+O2=Li2O. Write only the answer (Li2O)

Balance the equation Fe+Cl2

12 / 34

12. Example Li+O2=Li2O    use this format to match your key board Li+O2=Li2O.  Write only the answer (missing part) 

Balance the equation Zn+O2  


13 / 34

13. Which of the following acids is found in foods?

14 / 34

14. What is the chemical formula for sulphuric acid? (No Spaces)

15 / 34

15. Which of the following ions is not correct.

16 / 34

16. Which one is the balanced equation to the reaction of magnesium with hydrochloric acid.


17 / 34

17. A base is any substance that reacts with an acid to give a salt and water only

18 / 34

18. Bases that dissolve in water are called...................................

19 / 34

19. which of the following is not part of the physical properties of alkalis.

20 / 34

20. Bases are classified as soluble and insoluble bases. Identify and tick the insoluble bases.

21 / 34

21. The PH scale ranges from 0-100.

True or False

22 / 34

22. What value of on the PH scale is considered neural?

23 / 34

23. Grapes, tomatoes and apples have a PH value of between 2-4, this indicates that they are all

24 / 34

24. Name the organic compound

  • C4H9OH

25 / 34


  • Below is a list of some organic compounds represented by the letters A to E.
    • CH4
    • C4H10
    • C4H9OH
    • C4H8
    • CH3COOH
    • From the list above. Which compound has the same functional group as ethanol.

26 / 34

26. Name the above molecular structure.

27 / 34

27. Name the organic compound

  • C4H10

28 / 34

28. Below is a list of some organic compounds represented by the letters A to E.

  • A. CH4
  • B. C4H10
  • C. C4H9OH
  • D. C4H8
  • E. CH3COOH
  • Identify the two compounds ,from the list ,that belong to the same homologous series

29 / 34

29. Below is a list of some organic compounds represented by the letters A to E.

  • A. CH4
  • B. C4H10
  • C. C4H9OH
  • D. C4H8
  • E. CH3COOH
  • Give the name of compound A.

30 / 34

30. Below are 2 compounds Carbon tetrachloride and potassium chloride.

  • CCl4 and KCl
  • Both compounds of chlorine
  • Which one of the 2 compounds cannot conduct electricity

31 / 34

31. A coefficient and subscript on the symbol of nitrogen atom (N) mean different notations in chemistry.

The difference between 2N and N2 is that; 2N is nitrogen gas and N2 is 2 atoms of nitrogen not chemically bonded.


32 / 34

32. Study the arrangement of particles in the table below.

Participles tightly packedParticles loosely packedParticles widely spaced and random
Held together by strong bondsTakes the shape of the containerParticles do not vibrate

Identify A, B and C in the order displayed above

33 / 34

33. Identify and check safety rules you need to observe during titration

34 / 34

34. Laboratories do not have smooth floors, but have rough floors because;

It has to be strong and impervious against a lot of harsh handling and yet be perfectly usable. Rough floors prevent slipping, which can prevent chemicals to be dropped or damaged. True or False

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G12 Physics

1 votes, 5 avg

Physics G12

1 / 36

1. The SI unit for light intensity is Degrees Celsius. true or false

2 / 36

2. An Astronaut has a mass 100kg and travels from the moon to the Earth. Acceleration of free fall on the moon is 1.67m/s2 while that on Earth is 10m/s2. What is the mass of Astronaut back on Earth?

3 / 36

3. A pupil of mass 50kg runs up a flight of stairs each 25cm high in a time of 20 seconds.[Take g=10N/kg].

Calculate the pupils gian in potential energy. P.E=mgh Hint; convert height in cm to m

4 / 36

4. What is the correct reading shown above on the vernier caliper?

5 / 36

5. The SI unit for temperature is Kelvin (K). true or false 

6 / 36

6. The diagram below shows a simple pendulum that oscillates between position A and C. It takes 2.05 seconds to go from A to C and back to the midpoint B

What is the period of the pendulum?

7 / 36

7. A body continues in its state of motion unless an external force is applied to it. Is Newton's first Law. true or false 

8 / 36

8. Leaving a bus stop,a bus reaches a velocity of 8.0m/s after 10s. calculate the acceleration of the bus.

9 / 36

9. Which of the following instruments is not used in the measurement of time.

10 / 36

10. A lion of mass 200kg is transferred from the moon to the Earth. Acceleration of free fall on the moon is 1.67m/s2 while that on Earth is 10m/s2.

Calculate the weight of the lion on earth.

11 / 36

11. What is the correct reading of the micrometer screw gauge?

12 / 36

12. A plumber needs to measure the internal diameter of a water pipe as accurately as possible. The instrument he should use is the

13 / 36

13. A stone of mass 400g is lowered into a measuring cylinder containing water. The water level rises from 300cm3 to 500cm3.What is the density of the stone?

14 / 36

14. A ruler is used to measure the internal diameter of a pipe as shown.

What is the internal diameter of the pipe?

15 / 36

15. What is the correct reading of the micrometer screw gauge?

16 / 36

16. If the Period T of the pendulum is 0.4 seconds. What is the frequency of the pendulum.

17 / 36

17. A train slows down from 60m/s to 20m/s in 50s.Calculate the magnitude of the deceleration of the train.

18 / 36

18. What is the correct reading shown above on the vernier caliper?

19 / 36

19. A car accelerates from a standing start and reaches a velocity of 18m/s after 6.0 seconds. calculate its acceleration.

20 / 36

20. Which of following instruments is not used in the measurement of length.

21 / 36

21. If the period of the pendulum is 2.73. what is the frequency of the pendulum?

22 / 36

22. If the object is pulled to the left by a force of 6.0N and to the right by a force of 2.5N and assumimg that no other forces act on the object. And it has a Mass of 0.7kg resting on a horizontal surface.

  1. Calculate the resultant force.
  2. Calculate the acceleration produced by the resultant force
  3. Write in the form of   1.9N,2m/s2


23 / 36

23. A sprinter starting from rest has an acceleration of during the first 2.0 seconds of a race.calculate her velocity after 2.0 seconds.

24 / 36

24. An object of mass 100 g is immersed in water as shown in the diagram.

What is the denisty of the material from which the object is made?

25 / 36

25. A car driver brakes getly.Her car slows down from 23m/s to 11m/s in 20s.calculate the magnitude of her deceleration.

26 / 36

26. The figure shows a velocity time graph of an object along a straight road.

  1. What is the total time for the journey?
  2. What is the maximum velocity for the journey?
  3. What is the acceleration for the first part of the journey?  The first part of the journey is the first 20 seconds.
  4. Calculate the total distance covered by the car.
  5. Write your answers in the form of 20seconds, 100m/s, 2m/s2,400m

27 / 36

27. The figure below shows water being pumped from a river into an irrigation channel. The water is lifted to a height of 1.5m. The pump is able to lift 50kg of water each second. The gravitational field strength is 10N/kg.

Calculate the wor done when 50kg of water is lifted to a height of 1.5m.

28 / 36

28. The pendulum bob takes 10 seconds to make 20 complete oscillations. What is the period of the pendulum?

29 / 36

29. Find the mass of a 5cm3 of copper having a density of 9g/cm3?

30 / 36

30. A body has a mass of 2kg.It accelerates from 20m/s to 40m/s in 4 seconds. What is the resultant force of this body?

31 / 36

31. Calculate the refractive index

32 / 36

32. Acceleration is directly proportional to the force producing it but inversely proportional to mass. is Newton's 3rd Law

33 / 36

33. The figure shows a graph of how the speed of the car changed over 20 seconds as the car accelerated along a straight road.

  1. Calculate the acceleration of the car.
  2. The mass of the car was 1200kg.Calcuilate the force which produced the acceleration in (1).
  3. Calculate the distance travelled by the car during the 20 seconds
  4. Write all the 3 answers in this format 2.25,1200,120

34 / 36

34. The figure below shows an experiment which was carried out to measure the time interval of a simple pendulum.

If the pendulum bob took 0.20s to swing from A to C, calculate the period.

35 / 36

35. What force is needed to give a mass of 80kg an acceleration of 10m/s2?

Write the answer in the format 100N

36 / 36

36. Determine the angle of incidence and refraction. Write in the form of 20,30

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G12 English

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English G12

1 / 41


  1. As the horse galloped across the road, it narrowly missed the car.
  2. Galloping……………………………………………………..

2 / 41


  1. The teacher said that he wanted me to tell him the truth or he would slap me.
  2. The teacher said, "……………………………………………

3 / 41

3. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow. SCIENCE AND LITERATURE CONNECTION

  1. There was a chief in a certain village. He had many slaves. Whatever he wanted to be done, he ordered it. If it was a wise thing he wanted, his various counsellors said to him. "Yes, it is good," If it was not a wise thing, they said, just the same, "Yes, it is good," because if they disagreed with him he grew angry, saying, "What! Do you say the chief doesn't know what he is doing?" But the lowest of his counsellors never said yes or no. If the chief asked him about a certain thing he would think for a while and then reply: "All things are "
  2. It happened one time that the chief could not sleep at night because of the croaking of frogs in the marshes. Night after night he could not sleep, and decided at last that the frogs would have to be He told his counsellors what he intended to do. One by one, as usual, they applauded him, saying, "Yes, it is good." Only the lowest of the counsellors did not speak. The chief said: "You, counsellor, have you no tongue in your mouth?" The man thought for a while, then he said: "0 chief, all things are linked." The chief thought: "This man knows nothing else to say."
  3. The chief sent his slaves out to exterminate the frogs in the They killed frogs until no more frogs remained. They returned, saying, "Sir, the frogs are done with." That night the chief slept well, and he slept well for many nights thereafter. He was pleased with life.
  4. But in the marshes, the mosquitoes began to rise in swarms because there were no frogs to eat their larvae. They came into the village. They came into the chief's house and bit him. They made his life a misery. The people of the village suffered. So the chief ordered his slaves to go out and kill mosquitoes. The slaves went out, they tried, but the mosquitoes were too numerous. They continued to plague the village. The chief called his counsellors. He scolded them, saying, "When I asked you about killing the frogs, you answered, 'It is good.' Why did you not say, 'If the frogs are killed the

mosquitoes will multiply? Only one of you said something for me to think about. He  said, 'All things are linked,' but I did not understand his words."

  1. The mosquito hordes made life unlivable. People left their houses and fields and went away. They went to distant places, cleared new fields, and began living again. The old village became deserted except for the chief and his family. Finally, the chief, too, took his family and went away.
  2. Because of what happened, there came to be a saying: a 'Yes, it is good' caused a village to become " In each of the questions, select the best of the four choices given

In the same paragraph 1, the lowest counsellor always?

4 / 41

4. The president will come here next week to drum……support for his candidate.

5 / 41

5. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow. SCIENCE AND LITERATURE CONNECTION

  1. There was a chief in a certain village. He had many slaves. Whatever he wanted to be done, he ordered it. If it was a wise thing he wanted, his various counsellors said to him. "Yes, it is good," If it was not a wise thing, they said, just the same, "Yes, it is good," because if they disagreed with him he grew angry, saying, "What! Do you say the chief doesn't know what he is doing?" But the lowest of his counsellors never said yes or no. If the chief asked him about a certain thing he would think for a while and then reply: "All things are "
  2. It happened one time that the chief could not sleep at night because of the croaking of frogs in the marshes. Night after night he could not sleep, and decided at last that the frogs would have to be He told his counsellors what he intended to do. One by one, as usual, they applauded him, saying, "Yes, it is good." Only the lowest of the counsellors did not speak. The chief said: "You, counsellor, have you no tongue in your mouth?" The man thought for a while, then he said: "0 chief, all things are linked." The chief thought: "This man knows nothing else to say."
  3. The chief sent his slaves out to exterminate the frogs in the They killed frogs until no more frogs remained. They returned, saying, "Sir, the frogs are done with." That night the chief slept well, and he slept well for many nights thereafter. He was pleased with life.
  4. But in the marshes, the mosquitoes began to rise in swarms because there were no frogs to eat their larvae. They came into the village. They came into the chief's house and bit him. They made his life a misery. The people of the village suffered. So the chief ordered his slaves to go out and kill mosquitoes. The slaves went out, they tried, but the mosquitoes were too numerous. They continued to plague the village. The chief called his counsellors. He scolded them, saying, "When I asked you about killing the frogs, you answered, 'It is good.' Why did you not say, 'If the frogs are killed the

mosquitoes will multiply? Only one of you said something for me to think about. He  said, 'All things are linked,' but I did not understand his words."

  1. The mosquito hordes made life unlivable. People left their houses and fields and went away. They went to distant places, cleared new fields, and began living again. The old village became deserted except for the chief and his family. Finally, the chief, too, took his family and went away.
  2. Because of what happened, there came to be a saying: a 'Yes, it is good' caused a village to become " In each of the questions, select the best of the four choices given

What was the truth according to the chief?

6 / 41


  1. My performance does not improve although I train very hard.
  2. No matter……………………………………………………..

7 / 41

7. No one liked the song but it soon caught…………

8 / 41

8. She could not make it to school for she was incapacitated…..illness

9 / 41

9. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow. SCIENCE AND LITERATURE CONNECTION

  1. There was a chief in a certain village. He had many slaves. Whatever he wanted to be done, he ordered it. If it was a wise thing he wanted, his various counsellors said to him. "Yes, it is good," If it was not a wise thing, they said, just the same, "Yes, it is good," because if they disagreed with him he grew angry, saying, "What! Do you say the chief doesn't know what he is doing?" But the lowest of his counsellors never said yes or no. If the chief asked him about a certain thing he would think for a while and then reply: "All things are "
  2. It happened one time that the chief could not sleep at night because of the croaking of frogs in the marshes. Night after night he could not sleep, and decided at last that the frogs would have to be He told his counsellors what he intended to do. One by one, as usual, they applauded him, saying, "Yes, it is good." Only the lowest of the counsellors did not speak. The chief said: "You, counsellor, have you no tongue in your mouth?" The man thought for a while, then he said: "0 chief, all things are linked." The chief thought: "This man knows nothing else to say."
  3. The chief sent his slaves out to exterminate the frogs in the They killed frogs until no more frogs remained. They returned, saying, "Sir, the frogs are done with." That night the chief slept well, and he slept well for many nights thereafter. He was pleased with life.
  4. But in the marshes, the mosquitoes began to rise in swarms because there were no frogs to eat their larvae. They came into the village. They came into the chief's house and bit him. They made his life a misery. The people of the village suffered. So the chief ordered his slaves to go out and kill mosquitoes. The slaves went out, they tried, but the mosquitoes were too numerous. They continued to plague the village. The chief called his counsellors. He scolded them, saying, "When I asked you about killing the frogs, you answered, 'It is good.' Why did you not say, 'If the frogs are killed the

mosquitoes will multiply? Only one of you said something for me to think about. He  said, 'All things are linked,' but I did not understand his words."

  1. The mosquito hordes made life unlivable. People left their houses and fields and went away. They went to distant places, cleared new fields, and began living again. The old village became deserted except for the chief and his family. Finally, the chief, too, took his family and went away.
  2. Because of what happened, there came to be a saying: a 'Yes, it is good' caused a village to become " In each of the questions, select the best of the four choices given

After the frogs were exterminated… ?

10 / 41

10. Our church wants to cut…………the amount spent on the Pastor's trips.

11 / 41

11. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow. SCIENCE AND LITERATURE CONNECTION

  1. There was a chief in a certain village. He had many slaves. Whatever he wanted to be done, he ordered it. If it was a wise thing he wanted, his various counsellors said to him. "Yes, it is good," If it was not a wise thing, they said, just the same, "Yes, it is good," because if they disagreed with him he grew angry, saying, "What! Do you say the chief doesn't know what he is doing?" But the lowest of his counsellors never said yes or no. If the chief asked him about a certain thing he would think for a while and then reply: "All things are "
  2. It happened one time that the chief could not sleep at night because of the croaking of frogs in the marshes. Night after night he could not sleep, and decided at last that the frogs would have to be He told his counsellors what he intended to do. One by one, as usual, they applauded him, saying, "Yes, it is good." Only the lowest of the counsellors did not speak. The chief said: "You, counsellor, have you no tongue in your mouth?" The man thought for a while, then he said: "0 chief, all things are linked." The chief thought: "This man knows nothing else to say."
  3. The chief sent his slaves out to exterminate the frogs in the They killed frogs until no more frogs remained. They returned, saying, "Sir, the frogs are done with." That night the chief slept well, and he slept well for many nights thereafter. He was pleased with life.
  4. But in the marshes, the mosquitoes began to rise in swarms because there were no frogs to eat their larvae. They came into the village. They came into the chief's house and bit him. They made his life a misery. The people of the village suffered. So the chief ordered his slaves to go out and kill mosquitoes. The slaves went out, they tried, but the mosquitoes were too numerous. They continued to plague the village. The chief called his counsellors. He scolded them, saying, "When I asked you about killing the frogs, you answered, 'It is good.' Why did you not say, 'If the frogs are killed the

mosquitoes will multiply? Only one of you said something for me to think about. He  said, 'All things are linked,' but I did not understand his words."

  1. The mosquito hordes made life unlivable. People left their houses and fields and went away. They went to distant places, cleared new fields, and began living again. The old village became deserted except for the chief and his family. Finally, the chief, too, took his family and went away.
  2. Because of what happened, there came to be a saying: a 'Yes, it is good' caused a village to become " In each of the questions, select the best of the four choices given

According to the Passage "All things are linked" implies…?

12 / 41


  1. All the cattle are in the Kraal
  2. None ………………………………………………………. (write the entire second sentence)

13 / 41

13. The Minister of Education wanted to visit our school next week, but his plans have fallen………………..

14 / 41


  1. You will never solve this problem until somebody helps you.
  2. Not until………………………………………………………..

15 / 41

15. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow. SCIENCE AND LITERATURE CONNECTION

  1. There was a chief in a certain village. He had many slaves. Whatever he wanted to be done, he ordered it. If it was a wise thing he wanted, his various counsellors said to him. "Yes, it is good," If it was not a wise thing, they said, just the same, "Yes, it is good," because if they disagreed with him he grew angry, saying, "What! Do you say the chief doesn't know what he is doing?" But the lowest of his counsellors never said yes or no. If the chief asked him about a certain thing he would think for a while and then reply: "All things are "
  2. It happened one time that the chief could not sleep at night because of the croaking of frogs in the marshes. Night after night he could not sleep, and decided at last that the frogs would have to be He told his counsellors what he intended to do. One by one, as usual, they applauded him, saying, "Yes, it is good." Only the lowest of the counsellors did not speak. The chief said: "You, counsellor, have you no tongue in your mouth?" The man thought for a while, then he said: "0 chief, all things are linked." The chief thought: "This man knows nothing else to say."
  3. The chief sent his slaves out to exterminate the frogs in the They killed frogs until no more frogs remained. They returned, saying, "Sir, the frogs are done with." That night the chief slept well, and he slept well for many nights thereafter. He was pleased with life.
  4. But in the marshes, the mosquitoes began to rise in swarms because there were no frogs to eat their larvae. They came into the village. They came into the chief's house and bit him. They made his life a misery. The people of the village suffered. So the chief ordered his slaves to go out and kill mosquitoes. The slaves went out, they tried, but the mosquitoes were too numerous. They continued to plague the village. The chief called his counsellors. He scolded them, saying, "When I asked you about killing the frogs, you answered, 'It is good.' Why did you not say, 'If the frogs are killed the

mosquitoes will multiply? Only one of you said something for me to think about. He  said, 'All things are linked,' but I did not understand his words."

  1. The mosquito hordes made life unlivable. People left their houses and fields and went away. They went to distant places, cleared new fields, and began living again. The old village became deserted except for the chief and his family. Finally, the chief, too, took his family and went away.
  2. Because of what happened, there came to be a saying: a 'Yes, it is good' caused a village to become " In each of the questions, select the best of the four choices given

According to paragraph 1, what type of people did the chief not like?

16 / 41

16. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow. SCIENCE AND LITERATURE CONNECTION

  1. There was a chief in a certain village. He had many slaves. Whatever he wanted to be done, he ordered it. If it was a wise thing he wanted, his various counsellors said to him. "Yes, it is good," If it was not a wise thing, they said, just the same, "Yes, it is good," because if they disagreed with him he grew angry, saying, "What! Do you say the chief doesn't know what he is doing?" But the lowest of his counsellors never said yes or no. If the chief asked him about a certain thing he would think for a while and then reply: "All things are "
  2. It happened one time that the chief could not sleep at night because of the croaking of frogs in the marshes. Night after night he could not sleep, and decided at last that the frogs would have to be He told his counsellors what he intended to do. One by one, as usual, they applauded him, saying, "Yes, it is good." Only the lowest of the counsellors did not speak. The chief said: "You, counsellor, have you no tongue in your mouth?" The man thought for a while, then he said: "0 chief, all things are linked." The chief thought: "This man knows nothing else to say."
  3. The chief sent his slaves out to exterminate the frogs in the They killed frogs until no more frogs remained. They returned, saying, "Sir, the frogs are done with." That night the chief slept well, and he slept well for many nights thereafter. He was pleased with life.
  4. But in the marshes, the mosquitoes began to rise in swarms because there were no frogs to eat their larvae. They came into the village. They came into the chief's house and bit him. They made his life a misery. The people of the village suffered. So the chief ordered his slaves to go out and kill mosquitoes. The slaves went out, they tried, but the mosquitoes were too numerous. They continued to plague the village. The chief called his counsellors. He scolded them, saying, "When I asked you about killing the frogs, you answered, 'It is good.' Why did you not say, 'If the frogs are killed the

mosquitoes will multiply? Only one of you said something for me to think about. He  said, 'All things are linked,' but I did not understand his words."

  1. The mosquito hordes made life unlivable. People left their houses and fields and went away. They went to distant places, cleared new fields, and began living again. The old village became deserted except for the chief and his family. Finally, the chief, too, took his family and went away.
  2. Because of what happened, there came to be a saying: a 'Yes, it is good' caused a village to become " In each of the questions, select the best of the four choices given

According to paragraph 2, the chief?

17 / 41


  1. I prefer going to the cinema to watching television
  2. I would rather…………………………………………………

18 / 41

18. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow. SCIENCE AND LITERATURE CONNECTION

  1. There was a chief in a certain village. He had many slaves. Whatever he wanted to be done, he ordered it. If it was a wise thing he wanted, his various counsellors said to him. "Yes, it is good," If it was not a wise thing, they said, just the same, "Yes, it is good," because if they disagreed with him he grew angry, saying, "What! Do you say the chief doesn't know what he is doing?" But the lowest of his counsellors never said yes or no. If the chief asked him about a certain thing he would think for a while and then reply: "All things are "
  2. It happened one time that the chief could not sleep at night because of the croaking of frogs in the marshes. Night after night he could not sleep, and decided at last that the frogs would have to be He told his counsellors what he intended to do. One by one, as usual, they applauded him, saying, "Yes, it is good." Only the lowest of the counsellors did not speak. The chief said: "You, counsellor, have you no tongue in your mouth?" The man thought for a while, then he said: "0 chief, all things are linked." The chief thought: "This man knows nothing else to say."
  3. The chief sent his slaves out to exterminate the frogs in the They killed frogs until no more frogs remained. They returned, saying, "Sir, the frogs are done with." That night the chief slept well, and he slept well for many nights thereafter. He was pleased with life.
  4. But in the marshes, the mosquitoes began to rise in swarms because there were no frogs to eat their larvae. They came into the village. They came into the chief's house and bit him. They made his life a misery. The people of the village suffered. So the chief ordered his slaves to go out and kill mosquitoes. The slaves went out, they tried, but the mosquitoes were too numerous. They continued to plague the village. The chief called his counsellors. He scolded them, saying, "When I asked you about killing the frogs, you answered, 'It is good.' Why did you not say, 'If the frogs are killed the

mosquitoes will multiply? Only one of you said something for me to think about. He  said, 'All things are linked,' but I did not understand his words."

  1. The mosquito hordes made life unlivable. People left their houses and fields and went away. They went to distant places, cleared new fields, and began living again. The old village became deserted except for the chief and his family. Finally, the chief, too, took his family and went away.
  2. Because of what happened, there came to be a saying: a 'Yes, it is good' caused a village to become " In each of the questions, select the best of the four choices given

What is the main role of frogs in the Inter link?

19 / 41

19. Mutinta didn't really want to go to church, but her friends talked her……...it.

20 / 41


  1. My mother was too bewildered to talk.
  2. So…………………………………………………………..

21 / 41

21. Thieves broke into the bank safe and made……......with large sums of money.

22 / 41

22. They took………………..their heels when the lion roared.

23 / 41

23. The board chairperson presided………… the meeting in a biased manner.

24 / 41

24. I couldn't make……………..who he was since it was dark.

25 / 41

25. She was literally screaming …………….rage.

26 / 41

26. Humans are liable…………………….error.

27 / 41


  1. It is only after going for Voluntary Counselling and Testing that you can know your HIV status.
  2. Unless………………………………………………………….

28 / 41


  1. Football and basketball are popular games in Zambia
  2. Football, together with………………………………………

29 / 41

29. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow. SCIENCE AND LITERATURE CONNECTION

  1. There was a chief in a certain village. He had many slaves. Whatever he wanted to be done, he ordered it. If it was a wise thing he wanted, his various counsellors said to him. "Yes, it is good," If it was not a wise thing, they said, just the same, "Yes, it is good," because if they disagreed with him he grew angry, saying, "What! Do you say the chief doesn't know what he is doing?" But the lowest of his counsellors never said yes or no. If the chief asked him about a certain thing he would think for a while and then reply: "All things are "
  2. It happened one time that the chief could not sleep at night because of the croaking of frogs in the marshes. Night after night he could not sleep, and decided at last that the frogs would have to be He told his counsellors what he intended to do. One by one, as usual, they applauded him, saying, "Yes, it is good." Only the lowest of the counsellors did not speak. The chief said: "You, counsellor, have you no tongue in your mouth?" The man thought for a while, then he said: "0 chief, all things are linked." The chief thought: "This man knows nothing else to say."
  3. The chief sent his slaves out to exterminate the frogs in the They killed frogs until no more frogs remained. They returned, saying, "Sir, the frogs are done with." That night the chief slept well, and he slept well for many nights thereafter. He was pleased with life.
  4. But in the marshes, the mosquitoes began to rise in swarms because there were no frogs to eat their larvae. They came into the village. They came into the chief's house and bit him. They made his life a misery. The people of the village suffered. So the chief ordered his slaves to go out and kill mosquitoes. The slaves went out, they tried, but the mosquitoes were too numerous. They continued to plague the village. The chief called his counsellors. He scolded them, saying, "When I asked you about killing the frogs, you answered, 'It is good.' Why did you not say, 'If the frogs are killed the

mosquitoes will multiply? Only one of you said something for me to think about. He  said, 'All things are linked,' but I did not understand his words."

  1. The mosquito hordes made life unlivable. People left their houses and fields and went away. They went to distant places, cleared new fields, and began living again. The old village became deserted except for the chief and his family. Finally, the chief, too, took his family and went away.
  2. Because of what happened, there came to be a saying: a 'Yes, it is good' caused a village to become " In each of the questions, select the best of the four choices given

The story is about ....................?

30 / 41

30. Ducks wade…………………….dirty water.

31 / 41


  1. The boy is John. He broke the window last week
  2. John ……………………………………………. (write the entire second sentence)


32 / 41

32. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow. SCIENCE AND LITERATURE CONNECTION

  1. There was a chief in a certain village. He had many slaves. Whatever he wanted to be done, he ordered it. If it was a wise thing he wanted, his various counsellors said to him. "Yes, it is good," If it was not a wise thing, they said, just the same, "Yes, it is good," because if they disagreed with him he grew angry, saying, "What! Do you say the chief doesn't know what he is doing?" But the lowest of his counsellors never said yes or no. If the chief asked him about a certain thing he would think for a while and then reply: "All things are "
  2. It happened one time that the chief could not sleep at night because of the croaking of frogs in the marshes. Night after night he could not sleep, and decided at last that the frogs would have to be He told his counsellors what he intended to do. One by one, as usual, they applauded him, saying, "Yes, it is good." Only the lowest of the counsellors did not speak. The chief said: "You, counsellor, have you no tongue in your mouth?" The man thought for a while, then he said: "0 chief, all things are linked." The chief thought: "This man knows nothing else to say."
  3. The chief sent his slaves out to exterminate the frogs in the They killed frogs until no more frogs remained. They returned, saying, "Sir, the frogs are done with." That night the chief slept well, and he slept well for many nights thereafter. He was pleased with life.
  4. But in the marshes, the mosquitoes began to rise in swarms because there were no frogs to eat their larvae. They came into the village. They came into the chief's house and bit him. They made his life a misery. The people of the village suffered. So the chief ordered his slaves to go out and kill mosquitoes. The slaves went out, they tried, but the mosquitoes were too numerous. They continued to plague the village. The chief called his counsellors. He scolded them, saying, "When I asked you about killing the frogs, you answered, 'It is good.' Why did you not say, 'If the frogs are killed the

mosquitoes will multiply? Only one of you said something for me to think about. He  said, 'All things are linked,' but I did not understand his words."

  1. The mosquito hordes made life unlivable. People left their houses and fields and went away. They went to distant places, cleared new fields, and began living again. The old village became deserted except for the chief and his family. Finally, the chief, too, took his family and went away.
  2. Because of what happened, there came to be a saying: a 'Yes, it is good' caused a village to become " In each of the questions, select the best of the four choices given

The main culprit of the disaster in the swamp…,,?

33 / 41

33. The soldiers carried………………..with exercises despite the heavy rain.

34 / 41

34. She was praised………………….telling the truth

35 / 41

35. Brothers and sisters should get……....very well.

36 / 41

36. When I was looking for my pen, I came……………my lost


37 / 41

37. Jane backed……….of the debate when nobody agreed with her.

38 / 41


  1. Most people consider football the most interesting sport in the world.
  2. Football………………………………………………………

39 / 41

39. Our enemies blew……….the bridge to delay our advance.

40 / 41

40. My uncle died three years ago but it's taking me a long time to get………it.

41 / 41

41. Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow. SCIENCE AND LITERATURE CONNECTION

  1. There was a chief in a certain village. He had many slaves. Whatever he wanted to be done, he ordered it. If it was a wise thing he wanted, his various counsellors said to him. "Yes, it is good," If it was not a wise thing, they said, just the same, "Yes, it is good," because if they disagreed with him he grew angry, saying, "What! Do you say the chief doesn't know what he is doing?" But the lowest of his counsellors never said yes or no. If the chief asked him about a certain thing he would think for a while and then reply: "All things are "
  2. It happened one time that the chief could not sleep at night because of the croaking of frogs in the marshes. Night after night he could not sleep, and decided at last that the frogs would have to be He told his counsellors what he intended to do. One by one, as usual, they applauded him, saying, "Yes, it is good." Only the lowest of the counsellors did not speak. The chief said: "You, counsellor, have you no tongue in your mouth?" The man thought for a while, then he said: "0 chief, all things are linked." The chief thought: "This man knows nothing else to say."
  3. The chief sent his slaves out to exterminate the frogs in the They killed frogs until no more frogs remained. They returned, saying, "Sir, the frogs are done with." That night the chief slept well, and he slept well for many nights thereafter. He was pleased with life.
  4. But in the marshes, the mosquitoes began to rise in swarms because there were no frogs to eat their larvae. They came into the village. They came into the chief's house and bit him. They made his life a misery. The people of the village suffered. So the chief ordered his slaves to go out and kill mosquitoes. The slaves went out, they tried, but the mosquitoes were too numerous. They continued to plague the village. The chief called his counsellors. He scolded them, saying, "When I asked you about killing the frogs, you answered, 'It is good.' Why did you not say, 'If the frogs are killed the

mosquitoes will multiply? Only one of you said something for me to think about. He  said, 'All things are linked,' but I did not understand his words."

  1. The mosquito hordes made life unlivable. People left their houses and fields and went away. They went to distant places, cleared new fields, and began living again. The old village became deserted except for the chief and his family. Finally, the chief, too, took his family and went away.
  2. Because of what happened, there came to be a saying: a 'Yes, it is good' caused a village to become " In each of the questions, select the best of the four choices given

The frogs irritated the chief with their…?

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G12 Civic Edu

2 votes, 5 avg

Civic Education G12

1 / 36


Constitutional Review CommissionYearWhat is recommended
Mvunga Constitutional Review CommissionBEstablished of multl+at±lsrn
c1995Only persons whose both parents were Zambian by birth would qualify to be candidates for Presldency.

Identify the Constitutional Review Commission marked C.

2 / 36

2. Study the Map above and answer the questions that follow.

Mrs Kambaza ordered a vehicle from Japan and used border post marked Z to bring it into Zambia. What kind of tax did she pay at the boarder?

3 / 36

3. Study the Map above and answer the questions that follow.

What has been the main cause of the decline in the number of big game like the Elephant and Rhinos? tick several

4 / 36

4. Carefully study the statements below and match them with the correct concepts

  • Freely choose to leave one's country and relocate elsewhere

5 / 36

5. Carefully study the statements below and match them with the correct concepts

  • Being left but of or not being Included in community affairs

6 / 36

6. In 2006 Grade 9 Examinations, the cut off points for the boys was higher than that of the girls in order to encourage and retain female participation in the school system. Which policy does the Ministry of General Education use to maintain the proportion of girls at Grade 10 level of education?

7 / 36

7. Study the Map above and answer the questions that follow.

Mention the National Park marked X

8 / 36

8. Study the Map above and answer the questions that follow.

Identify the World United Nations Summit that was held in area marked Y in 2014

9 / 36

9. Carefully study the statements below and match them with the correct concepts

  • Every citizen personally taking part ln decision making

10 / 36

10. Documents like the Magna Carta of 1215, the Carter of Mande of 1222 and the English Bill of Rights of 1689 were not universal in nature because they often excluded women, children, slaves and persons of certain social, religious, economic or political groups. True or False

11 / 36

11. State the kind of government where all national leaders were appointed by the Queen of England and imposed on the people of Zambia.

12 / 36

12. Identify which one is not one of the ways of addressing child abuse

13 / 36

13. In a particular society, young people practice rap music, hop dance and graffiti. What type of culture encourages this practice?

14 / 36

14. Which type of citizenship is acquired by an alien after applying and meeting the prescribed conditions?

15 / 36

15. Mr Bottle Mwale a teacher at a local school demands sex from the learners who want to pass their final examinations. Which common form of corruption is Mr Mwale practising?

16 / 36

16. Spending can be reduced by increasing indirect taxes. This increase has a bearing on the prices of commodity and leads to the reduction of the purchasing power. Identify these two examples of such kind of taxes.

17 / 36

17. In which year did Mvunga Constitutional Review Commission recommend the re-introduction of multi-partism in Zambia?

18 / 36

18. In Zambia, what are the two methods used to adopt a Constitution.

Name the two ways

19 / 36

19. Carefully study the statements below and match them with the correct concepts

A person living in a country which is not his or hers.

20 / 36

20. Identify substances that are found in tobacco and are harmful to the body. Pick(tick) more than one

21 / 36

21. Mr Langa opened an account at First National Bank (FNB) that offers higher interest rates on large sums of money deposited for a given period of time, What type of an account did he open?

22 / 36

22. Study the Map above and answer the questions that follow.

Identify and tick vulnerable animal species in Zambia

23 / 36

23. Which department of the government is responsible for collecting tax in all border posts in Zambia?

24 / 36

24. Study and complete the table showing the Constitutional Review Commissions.

Constitutional Review CommissionYearWhat is recommended


Mvunga Constitutional Review Commission


Established of multi-partism
C1995Only persons whose both parents were Zambian by birth would qualify to be candidates for Presidency.

Identify the Constitutional Review Commission marked A

25 / 36

25. The Constitution that Zambia inherited on the 20 th October, 1964 was referred to as

26 / 36

26. Children's rights are those rights enjoyed by persons below the age of 18. Identify the Constitutional Review Commission that included the Rights of the Children for the first time

27 / 36

27. Carefully study the statements below and match them with the correct concepts

  • Rights that are enjoyed by Individuals In the state of nature

28 / 36

28. What name is given to a law that empowers the President to appoint a Commission of Inquiry?

29 / 36

29. Carefully study the statements below and match them with the correct concepts

  • Send someone back to their country of origin.

30 / 36

30. Carefully study the statements below and match them with the correct concepts

  • Taking part and getting involved In community development projects

31 / 36

31. State any two characteristics of poverty as perceived under social status

32 / 36

32. Which Constitutional Review Commission limited the enjoyment of the rights and freedoms of individuals?

33 / 36

33. Which of the following is not a way civil wars affect the economy of any given country.

34 / 36

34. Mr Cellphone Nsomba was accused of murder which carries a mandatory sentence of capital punishment. He is too poor to afford a lawyer. What concept is given to a free legal service that every lawyer who is a member of the Law Association of Zambia offers as part of legal profession's service to the community?

35 / 36

35. Carefully study the statements below and match them with the correct concepts

  • The rule that allows a person to acquire citizenship of one's parents

36 / 36

36. Study the Map above and answer the questions that follow.

Which one is not a reason why biodiversity is important

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Grade 9

G9 Math

0 votes, 0 avg

Maths G9

1 / 31

1. The results are shown in a Venn diagram below.


2 / 31

2. The bank lends Mrs Musonda K20000 at a rate of interest of 20.5%. How much interest does she owe after 2 years?

3 / 31

3. Using the information given in the Venn diagram below.

(A n B n C)'

4 / 31

4. The volume of a cylinder is 141.3 cm3. Find the radius of the base if the height is 5 cm.

5 / 31

5. An agent sold a Goat at K330.00. This amount includes 10 commission for the agent. What was the price of the Goat before the commission was added?

6 / 31

6. Solve the equation


7 / 31

7. If the exchange rate between the Zambian kwacha(K)  and the American Dollar is k9.00 per $1

How much Dollar can be exchanged for K 468 000.00?

8 / 31

8. Find angle a in the diagram

9 / 31

9. Chipeshi has six K 100 notes, four K50 notes, eight K20 notes, four K10 notes and two K5 notes in his wallet. He takes one note at random from his wallet to pay a bill. Which note is more likely to be picked than any other?

10 / 31

10. solve the equation


11 / 31


  1. A Security guards wage for a 5 day working week is K720.00. Given that she works 8 hours per day, calculate her rate per hour.

12 / 31

12. Using the information given in the Venn diagram below.

  1. List the Set (A n B n C)

13 / 31

13. Calculate the principal if the interest is k125,000 the rate is 10% and time is 5years.

14 / 31

14. A sofa can be bought forK5 250.00 cash. It can also be bought on higher purchase by paying a Deposit of K4000.00 plus 5 equal monthly installments of K880.00. How much more would be paid if the sofa is bought on hire purchase?

VOLUME = Base area X height   = h




15 / 31

15. The diagram shows a cylinder with a radius of 4 cm and a height of 9 cm.

Calculate the volume of the cylinder.

16 / 31

16. The results are shown in a Venn diagram below.

How many learners like Maths only?

17 / 31

17. A company sales agent is paid a salary of K5 300.00 per month. He also receives a commission of 3% of the value of the goods sold. Calculate his total income if he sold goods worth K29 000.00.

18 / 31

18. Using the information in the venn diagram below

List (A n B)

19 / 31

19. Find the value of y in the equation


20 / 31

20. A Security guards wage for a 5 day working week is K720.00. Given that she works 8 hours per day, calculate

(i) her wage per year  if there are 52 weeks in a year,

21 / 31

21. Using the information given in the Venn diagram below.

(A n B') u C

22 / 31

22. Find the value of s

23 / 31

23. Find the value of  a

24 / 31

24. A sack contains 12 oranges and 8 lemons. If a fruit is picked at random from the sack, find the probability that  it is an orange.

25 / 31

25. Using the information given in the Venn diagram below

List (A n B)'

26 / 31

26. A Car costing K100 000.00 is depreciated at the rate of 5% of the original cost(straight line method) per year. find its book value after 6 years.

27 / 31

27. Mr Noah, owns a house valued at k 72 000.00. He offers it for rent at 20% per annum of the value of the house. What monthly rent must he charge ?

28 / 31

28. Using the information given in the Venn diagram below.

(A n B')

29 / 31

29. Find the value of x

30 / 31

30. Find the angle Y

31 / 31

31. A wall, which is 4m high, is built next to a street light that is 8m high. The shadow of the wall is 5m long. How far is the wall from the street light?

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G9 Science

0 votes, 0 avg

Science G9

1 / 34

1. What do we call the science of studying ancient remains?

2 / 34

2. Which of the following best explains what energy is? Energy is the

3 / 34

3. Which is one of the ways in which one can get infected with HIV?

4 / 34

4. Which of the following is the correct function of blood plasma?

5 / 34

5. Which of the following equations best describes the process of photosynthesis?

6 / 34

6. The diagram below shows parts of a female reproductive organ.

Name the part labeled P

7 / 34

7. How many atoms are in the Molecule H2SO4?

8 / 34

8. Rickets is a nutritional deficiency disease caused by lack of.............................. in a diet of a growing child.

9 / 34

9. Apart from HIV, which of the following are sexually transmitted diseases.

10 / 34

10. The diagrams below show plant and animal cells of living organisms.

Which part is permeable on the plant cell and animal cell?

11 / 34

11. Which of the following is the use of a concave lens?

12 / 34

12. How many atoms are in this molecule H2?

13 / 34

13. What form of energy is possessed by charcoal before it is burnt?

14 / 34

14. The list below shows organs found in the human respiratory system.

  1. Trachea
  2. Bronchus
  3. Bronchioles
  4. Nostrils

15 / 34

15. To reduce the spread of HIV and AIDS one needs Voluntary Counseling and Testing. Which one of the following is not the importance of VCT?


16 / 34

16. Which one of the following is the correct symbol for Iron atom?

17 / 34

17. The diagram below shows parts of a female reproductive organ.

Name the Part labeled Q

18 / 34


19 / 34

19. A diagram shows a factory producing pollutants in the atmosphere.

Identify and tick two (2) pollutants produced by the factory.

20 / 34

20. A metal object of mass 100g was placed in water as shown in the diagram below

21 / 34

21. Which of the following is a correct example of cross-breeding?

22 / 34

22. How many atoms are this molecule H2O?

23 / 34

23. Which of the following is not an example of ways of preventing pollution of the environment?

24 / 34

24. The diagram below shows an electric circuit.

State the type of connection of bulbs.

25 / 34

25. The diagram below shows an electric circuit.

Identify the part labelled N.

26 / 34

26. A stone of mass 10kg on earth (gravity 10m/s2) is taken to the moon for an experiment on weight. What will be its mass and weight on the moon if the acceleration due to gravity at the moon is 1.6m/s2?

27 / 34

27. How many atoms are in the molecule CO2

28 / 34

28. The diagrams below show plant and animal cells Of living organisms.

From the diagram. state one difference between a plant cell and an animal cell.

29 / 34

29. Identify the -Structure F

30 / 34

30. Which one of the following changes is only associated with puberty in females?

31 / 34

31. The diagrams below show an experiment on tropisms.

Which labelled part has demonstrated positive phototropism?

32 / 34

32. The diagram below shows the human respiratory system.

Name the parts labelled M and L

33 / 34

33. Apart from factories identify other sources of air pollution.

34 / 34

34. The term “Geotropism” refers to the movement of a part of a plant in response to

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G9 Business

0 votes, 0 avg

Business Studies G9

1 / 51

1. What type of account is Fred Chikwanda's Account 

2 / 51

2. An online office can also be known as ...................office

3 / 51

3. A financial institution which specializes in provision of banking services to low income groups or individuals is called a ............

4 / 51

4. Which department in an organization is responsible for payment of staff salaries and wages?

5 / 51

5. The Subsidiary Book for assets bought on resale are recorded in a

6 / 51

6. Chief buyers belong to the Accounts Department in an organization

7 / 51

7. A customer's personal Account is recorded in a .....................Ledger

8 / 51

8. Mapulanga is entitled to a Basic Pay of K4 500.00 and Housing Allowance of K5OO.OO, the PAYE contribution is K250.OO. Calculate the Net Pay.

9 / 51

9. A wage is paid to unskilled workers?

10 / 51

10. A net pay is the amount one gets after deductions.

11 / 51

11. Mr. Mumbi received a labour Day Award for being the most obedient and faithful employee. which office etiquette best describes him?

12 / 51

12. An accountant was discovered to have been altering official financial records in an organization. What is the effect of this activity on the organization? The organization will

13 / 51

13. The Business Document which gives an approximate cost of a job is known as

14 / 51

14. . ……………………………..means keeping money from circulation in the country

15 / 51

15. What does the letters ".com" stand for?

16 / 51

16. The abbreviation Inc. stands for..................

17 / 51

17. Which Of the following is a source document for small cash transactions?

18 / 51

18. A machine which is used for arranging papers in their correct order is called a............................

19 / 51

19. Which type of business is owned and controlled by its members who are also customers of the business?

20 / 51

20. An exchange of 4 books for one calculator is known a transaction.

21 / 51

21. ................................ shows the financial position on organization.

22 / 51

22. The type of Bank account which allows a client to withdraw cash after a specific period of time is called....................

23 / 51

23. At which stage of election are ballot paper used ?

24 / 51

24. Assets bought and sold on credit are entered in what journal entry

25 / 51

25. …………………….is a situation where children are not taken care of by parents and guardians

26 / 51

26. Late coming is not one of the acceptable office etiquettes expected from a worker

27 / 51

27. Zambia is a sovereign state. This means she is ………………………………..

28 / 51

28. Which one of the following is not a reason for budget preparation in an organization.

29 / 51

29. Nelly Chansa's capital at the beginning of the year was k95,000 and k120,000 at the end of the year. She withdrew k12,000 during the year. Calculate her net profit for the year.

30 / 51

30. The filling of documents according to places is known as..................

31 / 51

31. In Zambia, our chiefs are controlled by the central Government which is elected by the people. This type of rule Where the chiefs are controlled is an example of …………………………

32 / 51

32. The Basic pay for the worker is k8,000 and he is charged a 2% "Pay As You Earn" per month. Calculate the worker's net pay.

33 / 51

33. Study the transactions below;

  1. Sold a motor vehicle on credit
  2. Cash sales.
  3. Sold a Delivery van by cheque.
  4. Exchanged a motor vehicle for a House
  5. Bought a house and payment deferred to a later date.

Which of these are credit transactions?

34 / 51

34. The filling system where all files are kept in one place is called ..........

35 / 51

35. A business organization can be analysed by its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and Threats. Which statement shows the strength of a business?

36 / 51

36. A guideline used to tabulate organizational goals and objectives for the purpose of planning is called.......

37 / 51

37. What type of account is a cash account?

38 / 51

38. ......................... allows one to send a telegram message through a telephone operator.

39 / 51

39. A method of investment known as "debt security" is called ......

40 / 51

40. Which of the following document is not needed in the formation of a business?

41 / 51

41. A time card shows the amount of money one should get at the end of the month.

42 / 51

42. The other name for Debtor's ledger is ............

43 / 51

43. What is the meaning of the abbreviation via?

44 / 51

44. what is the source document for the purchases journal.

45 / 51

45. Machinery Account is a good example Of .....................

46 / 51

46. Which of the following is a real account?

47 / 51

47. Arrange the following in chronological order.

  1. Received a promotion letter for Akufuna on 20th May 2018.
  2. Received a Bank statement from BDA bank on 1st May 2018.
  3. Received a transfer letter for Chanda on 24th May 2018.
  4. Received a Retirement letter for Zimba on 10th May 2018.

48 / 51

48. A salary is calculated according to the hours worked by a worker.

49 / 51

49. Kalenga is an honest hardworking and trustworthy worker which office etiquette does kalenga possess

50 / 51

50. What type of account is a Wages Account?

51 / 51

51. Which document is sent by the seller to the buyer as a reminder of the amount due, for the goods supplied?

Your score is

The average score is 40%



G9 Social Studies

0 votes, 0 avg

Social Studies G9

1 / 42

1. Zambia is a sovereign state. This means she is ………………………………..

2 / 42

2. Heads of state make policies of SADC operations. Which one of the following organ they belong to?

3 / 42

3. The most fundamental Human Right is the right to………………………………………………

4 / 42

4. The supreme court is the highest court of appeal in Zambia. Which one of the following is the right composition of the judges for this court

5 / 42

5. Which one of the following reasons explains why there is increased demand in electricity in north western province.

6 / 42

6. Which of the following statement is correct about lakes B and C

7 / 42

7. …………………….is a situation where children are not taken care of by parents and guardians

8 / 42

8. Which one of the following Hydro-Electric Power station depends on a natural head of water for production of electricity

9 / 42

9. Conflict between state is referred to as …………………………………………………

10 / 42

10. In Zambia, our chiefs are controlled by the central Government which is elected by the people. This type of rule Where the chiefs are controlled is an example of …………………………

11 / 42

11. Which of the following period of time represents one hundred years

12 / 42

12. To which early creature do the following fact refer

    • Lived in the middle stone age
  • Discovered in 1921 and his skull was taken to London Museum

13 / 42

13. The Zambian constitution was amended to change the qualification for citizenship, presidential candidate and to………………….

14 / 42

14. An official who is first elected by people in a constituency and later appointed by the Republic President to be part of the Cabinet acquires the tittle of …………………………

15 / 42


Study the table below and answer question

What is the difference in population between 2000 and 2010?

16 / 42

16. . ……………………………..means keeping money from circulation in the country

17 / 42

17. Which of the following events occurred last

18 / 42

18. The Kaches family made a budget of K500.00 for their family in the month of July and their total expenditure was K600.00. The Kaches budget for July had rub into……………

19 / 42

19. Kenyapithecus can best be described as………………………………………….

20 / 42

20. A constitution review commission which was appointed in 1991 to suit the democratic form of governance was headed by ………………………………………

21 / 42

21. Which one of the following places in Zambia is likely to record the highest annual amount of sunshine?

22 / 42

22. “Hand man” is used to refer to …………………………………………..

23 / 42

23. What is the weather instrument shown above ?

24 / 42

24. Which symbol of national identity is shown on the television screen before the republican President speaks to the nation

25 / 42

25. The organ of the United Nations (UN) which co-ordinates and supervises the work of the specialized agencies and commissions is called the ………………………

26 / 42

26. ………………………..is the function of money which is allowed to pay for goods and services

27 / 42

27. The coalition government between the United national Independence Party (UNIP) and the African National Congress (ANC) was made in

28 / 42

28. What is the name of the river marked A

29 / 42

29. Which one of the following physical factor in the relief feature D supports crop

30 / 42

30. The last governor of Northern Rhodesia was ……………………………………….

31 / 42

31. Which one of the following pairs of factors influenced population settlement shown on the map extract?

32 / 42

32. The system of agriculture practiced in area M is.................................

33 / 42

33. The reason why farming is a discouraged in Area O is due to …………………………………

34 / 42

34. At which stage of election are ballot paper used ?

35 / 42

35. What is the main cash crop grown in Area N

36 / 42

36. Which of the following is the correct pattern about Zambia‟s population census since 1963 Population has ……………………………………….

37 / 42

37. Which one of the following sources of energy is non-renewable

38 / 42

38. Which one of the following is the general description of relief shown on the diagram?

39 / 42

39. The plan for the formation United Nations Organisation that was discussed by the Allied Forces in 1941 were held at …………………………….

40 / 42

40. Bones ,stones ,pottery ,rings ,metal debris and artefacts are all a collection of primary sources of information in History. To which study of the past do they belong ?..............

41 / 42

41. What is meant by the term rural –urban drift? It is movement of people from ………

42 / 42

42. Which government institution is responsible for fighting corruption in Zambia

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Grade 9 English

0 votes, 0 avg

English G9

1 / 41

1. Find a word that have the same or nearly the same meaning as the following.

Part of the same stubbornness was his crusade to get black South Africans to be more punctual. He was usually among the first at his office. Often, he arrived at rallies before the majority of the people had turned up; a reversal of the usual African scenario in which the crowds wait for hours for the very important person (VIP). On a trip to Cape Town, a young man who was in his security told me how, before going to bed, he had been warned that “the old man” would get up at 05 00 hours for his daily run. As he emerged in the early hours of the morning, the bodyguard was mortified to find Mandela already dressed in his track suit and waiting for the guards to accompany him on his morning exercise.

Meaning: Ashamed, humiliated or hurt in his or her feelings 

2 / 41

2. Read the following sentences. write the letter of the sentence that is correctly written.

3 / 41

3. Read the passage and then answer the questions that follow

He emerged from incarceration into the public glare and to a position full with opportunities. For the majority of black South Africans, expectations were so high that it would have been easy for him to disappoint. He had become the property of the whole world. Everybody who had ever worn a “Free Mandela” T-shirt or attended a “Free Mandela” concert felt he owed them. And then of course, having gone to jail and left behind a beautiful young wife, he had come back to a woman about whom everybody had an opinion. Half the world hated her and the other half passionately adored her.

“Everybody who had ever worn a ‘Free Mandela‘ T-shirt or attended a ‘Free MandeIa‘ concert felt he owed them.” 

The word ‘them ‘refers to

4 / 41

4. Find a word that have the same or nearly the same meaning as the following.

On first meeting the man, it was his physical presence that struck you. He was even taller than he appeared in his photographs. He may have stooped with age but when he started to talk, he became much younger. His eyes were alive and full of mischief. He might well have been the oldest person in the African National Congress (ANC) hierarchy, but on some subjects, he had the most radical of ideas, still the firebrand of those early images. For a long time, he was the only one who spoke about HIV and AIDS and openly advocated the use of condoms by young people. And with principal stubbornness, he refused to give up his loyalty to people like Fidel Castro and Muammar Gaddafi because, as he explained, he could not turn his back on those who had remained loyal to him.

Meaning: Bend the body forwards and downwards.

5 / 41

5. You are very good at draughts but your friend doesn‘t believe you can defeat him. What would you say? If you think you can ................. , let‘s play.

6 / 41

6. Read the passage and then answer the questions that follow

On first meeting the man, it was his physical presence that struck you. He was even taller than he appeared in his photographs. He may have stooped with age but when he started to talk, he became much younger. His eyes were alive and full of mischief. He might well have been the oldest person in the African National Congress (ANC) hierarchy, but on some subjects, he had the most radical of ideas, still the firebrand of those early images. For a long time, he was the only one who spoke about HIV and AIDS and openly advocated the use of condoms by young people. And with principal stubbornness, he refused to give up his loyalty to people like Fidel Castro and Muammar Gaddafi because, as he explained, he could not turn his back on those who had remained loyal to him.

“ …......... he could not turn his back on those who had remained loyal to him." The expression ‘turn his back on ‘means

7 / 41

7. You have a wide range of coloured shirts to give away. You want to give one to your cousin. What would you say? What is your....................

8 / 41

8. Read the passage and then answer the questions that follow.

Part of the same stubbornness was his crusade to get black South Africans to be more punctual. He was usually among the first at his office. Often, he arrived at rallies before the majority of the people had turned up; a reversal of the usual African scenario in which the crowds wait for hours for the very important person (VIP). On a trip to Cape Town, a young man who was in his security told me how, before going to bed, he had been warned that “the old man” would get up at 05 00 hours for his daily run. As he emerged in the early hours of the morning, the bodyguard was mortified to find Mandela already dressed in his track suit and waiting for the guards to accompany him on his morning exercise.

What was the reversal of the usual African scenario?

9 / 41

9. You want to advise your younger sister not to eat sweets but fruit. What would you say? It is ...........better to eat fruit than sweets.

10 / 41

10. Read the following sentences. Write the letter of the sentence that is correctly written.

11 / 41

11. Read the passage and then answer the questions that follow.

For years, the only image people had of Nelson Mandela was the famous picture of him at his trial: youn9. defiant and attractive; his hair parted in the middle as must have been the fashion at the time. During Apartheid, it was a criminal offence to be seen with a picture of Mandela, so those who had old photographs of him had to keep them well hidden.

What political system existed in South Africa in which people of different races were separated?

12 / 41

12. Read the following sentences. Write the letter of the sentence that is correctly written.

13 / 41

13. Read the following sentences. Write the letter of the sentence that is correctly written.

14 / 41

14. You have never boarded a plane before. What would you say? It was ..............

15 / 41

15. Read the following sentences. Write the letter of the sentence that is correctly written.

16 / 41

16. Your sister wants to accompany you to a wedding ceremony. However, she is very poor with time keeping. What would you say? Unless

17 / 41

17. Read the following sentences. write the letter of the sentence that is correctly written.

18 / 41

18. Read the passage and then answer the questions that follow

On first meeting the man, it was his physical presence that struck you. He was even taller than he appeared in his photographs. He may have stooped with age but when he started to talk, he became much younger. His eyes were alive and full of mischief. He might well have been the oldest person in the African National Congress (ANC) hierarchy, but on some subjects, he had the most radical of ideas, still the firebrand of those early images. For a long time, he was the only one who spoke about HIV and AIDS and openly advocated the use of condoms by young people. And with principal stubbornness, he refused to give up his loyalty to people like Fidel Castro and Muammar Gaddafi because, as he explained, he could not turn his back on those who had remained loyal to him.

What struck you when you first met Nelson Mandela? His

19 / 41

19. Read the following sentences. write the letter of the sentence that is correctly written.

20 / 41

20. Read the passage and then answer the questions that follow

When he was freed, the world was curious to discover what 27 years of jail had done to him. We had built up an image, a whole mythology, based on that youthful photograph, on his writings, and on the haunting voice that was heard on the old newsreels. But how would the man compare with the myth? Was he still so attractive and defiant? Had he aged gracefully?

(Paragraph 2) When Nelson Mandela was freed, the world was curious to discover.

21 / 41

21. When he was freed, the world was curious to discover what 27 years of jail had done to him. We had built up an image, a whole mythology, based on that youthful photograph, on his writings, and on the haunting voice that was heard on the old newsreels. But how would the man compare with the myth? Was he still so attractive and defiant? Had he aged gracefully?

Find words that have the same or nearly the same meaning as the following: You must spell them correctly. 

  • Eager to learn or know something.

22 / 41

22. Eric and Elizabeth insist that you talk to them together. However, you see no need to do so. What would you say? I needn’t talk ... you at the same time.

23 / 41

23. Your friend claims his car and yours are the same. You disagree. What would you say? My car is different ... .......yours.

24 / 41

24. Rewrite each of the following sentence according to the instructions given. Do not change the meaning of the sentence.

  • He made a cup of tea, then, went to church.
  • Begin: Before .....................................................................................

25 / 41

25. Your neighbour’s baby has been crying for a while but your neighbour seems unconcerned. What would you say? Can’t you hear the baby

26 / 41

26. Rewrite each of the following sentence according to the instructions given. Do not change the meaning of the sentence.

  • Nandala asked what offence she had committed.
  • Begin: Nandala asked, “ ………………………………………………………

27 / 41

27. Rewrite each of the following sentence according to the instructions given. Do not change the meaning of the sentence.

  • He could not run faster,
  • Begin: He ran .....................................................................


28 / 41

28. Rewrite each of the following sentence according to the instructions given. Do not change the meaning of the sentence.

  • If you hurry, you will be able to buy the medicine before the drug store closes.
  • Begin: If you hurry, you can ………………………………………………………

29 / 41

29. Read the passage and then answer the questions that follow

“It‘s the prison routine,” I‘ve heard it said, “that makes him so meticulous about time-keeping.” I prefer to think it is part of his respect for all human beings-like his delightful tendency to make short speeches.

What might have made Mandela so meticulous about time- keeping?

30 / 41

30. You bought a skirt recently. The day you wore it, Nyezi also wore a similar skirt.

What would you say? Bwalya, you are wearing the same skirt.

31 / 41

31. Read the following sentences. Write the letter of the sentence that is correctly written.

32 / 41

32. Read the following question and write the letter of the best answer.

You and your friend have broken a glass pane and have been summoned by your class teacher. What would you say? The class teacher would like to see

33 / 41

33. Rewrite each of the following sentence according to the instructions given. Do not change the meaning of the sentence.

  • The boy is a footballer. We always borrow his football.
  • The boy, ............................................................., is a footballer.

34 / 41

34. Read the passage and then answer the questions that follow

  • For years, the only image people had of Nelson Mandela was the famous picture of him at his trial: youn9. defiant and attractive; his hair parted in the middle as must have been the fashion at the time. During Apartheid, it was a criminal offence to be seen with a picture of Mandela, so those who had old photographs of him had to keep them well hidden.


  • When he was freed, the world was curious to discover what 27 years of jail had done to him. We had built up an image, a whole mythology, based on that youthful photograph, on his writings, and on the haunting voice that was heard on the old newsreels. But how would the man compare with the myth? Was he still so attractive and defiant? Had he aged gracefully?


  • He emerged from incarceration into the public glare and to a position full with opportunities. For the majority of black South Africans, expectations were so high that it would have been easy for him to disappoint. He had become the property of the whole world. Everybody who had ever worn a “Free Mandela” T-shirt or attended a “Free Mandela” concert felt he owed them. And then of course, having gone to jail and left behind a beautiful young wife, he had come back to a woman about whom everybody had an opinion. Half the world hated her and the other half passionately adored her.


  • On first meeting the man, it was his physical presence that struck you. He was even taller than he appeared in his photographs. He may have stooped with age but when he started to talk, he became much younger. His eyes were alive and full of mischief. He might well have been the oldest person in the African National Congress (ANC) hierarchy, but on some subjects, he had the most radical of ideas, still the firebrand of those early images. For a long time, he was the only one who spoke about HIV and AIDS and openly advocated the use of condoms by young people. And with principal stubbornness, he refused to give up his loyalty to people like Fidel Castro and Muammar Gaddafi because, as he explained, he could not turn his back on those who had remained loyal to him.


  • Part of the same stubbornness was his crusade to get black South Africans to be more punctual. He was usually among the first at his office. Often, he arrived at rallies before the majority of the people had turned up; a reversal of the usual African scenario in which the crowds wait for hours for the very important person (VIP). On a trip to Cape Town, a young man who was in his security told me how, before going to bed, he had been warned that “the old man” would get up at 05 00 hours for his daily run. As he emerged in the early hours of the morning, the bodyguard was mortified to find Mandela already dressed in his track suit and waiting for the guards to accompany him on his morning exercise.


  • 6 “It‘s the prison routine,” I‘ve heard it said, “that makes him so meticulous about time-keeping.” I prefer to think it is part of his respect for all human beings-like his delightful tendency to make short speeches.
  • According to the passage, which THREE of the following statements are TRUE? 

35 / 41

35. Read the passage and then answer the question that follow.

For years, the only image people had of Nelson Mandela was the famous picture of him at his trial: young, defiant and attractive; his hair parted in the middle as must have been the fashion at the time. During Apartheid, it was a criminal offence to be seen with a picture of Mandela, so those who had old photographs of him had to keep them well hidden.

According to Paragraph 1, it was a criminal offence in South Africa

36 / 41

36. Read the following sentences. Write the letter of the sentence that is correctly written.

37 / 41

37. Read the following sentences. Write the letter of the sentence that is correctly written.

38 / 41

38. Find a word that have the same or nearly the same meaning as the following.

He emerged from incarceration into the public glare and to a position full with opportunities. For the majority of black South Africans, expectations were so high that it would have been easy for him to disappoint. He had become the property of the whole world. Everybody who had ever worn a “Free Mandela” T-shirt or attended a “Free Mandela” concert felt he owed them. And then of course, having gone to jail and left behind a beautiful young wife, he had come back to a woman about whom everybody had an opinion. Half the world hated her and the other half passionately adored her.

Meaning: Imprisonment

39 / 41

39. Read the following sentences. write the letter of the sentence that is correctly written.

40 / 41

40. Read the passage and then answer the questions that follow

He emerged from incarceration into the public glare and to a position full with opportunities. For the majority of black South Africans, expectations were so high that it would have been easy for him to disappoint. He had become the property of the whole world. Everybody who had ever worn a “Free Mandela” T-shirt or attended a “Free Mandela” concert felt he owed them. And then of course, having gone to jail and left behind a beautiful young wife, he had come back to a woman about whom everybody had an opinion. Half the world hated her and the other half passionately adored her.

“He had become the property of the whole world.” The sentence means that

Nelson Mandela   

41 / 41

41. Rewrite each of the following sentence according to the instructions given. Do not change the meaning of the sentence.

  • Neither the Permanent Secretary nor the Minister knew about the teachers’ strike.
  • Begin: Both ………………………………………………………………

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0 votes, 0 avg

Religious Education G9

1 / 50

1. What is the teaching of the cinyanja proverb, “Mutu ukakula sulewa nknoyo Literally translated as when the head is big, it cannot avoid punches.

2 / 50

2. According to the Jews, who were responsible for reading of the scriptures?

3 / 50

3. All religions use the word sin to mean ….

4 / 50

4. Which group of people was disliked by Jews because they followed a slightly different religion?

5 / 50


  • Kande is a Grade 9 learner at Chibalo Secondary School. Immediately Kande arrived home, she started imitating the Social Studies teacher's handwriting.

What kind of learning is Kande practicing?

6 / 50

6. A person can control his or her feelings. What kind of growth is this?

7 / 50

7. What is the meaning of the traditional teaching; “Pepani Sapoletsa Chironda” (saying sorry does not heal a wound)?

8 / 50

8. Intellectual growth is best described as when ...........

9 / 50

9. The name given to the way people behave is called......

10 / 50

10. According to Hinduism, a student should practice right conduct, earns material wealth, permits himself a life of love and passion. At which stage of life is this supposed to happen?

11 / 50

11. "The person, who gives up all desires and moves without thinking 'mine' or I' is the one who gains peace." In which scripture is the above statement found?

12 / 50

12. At the time of Jesus, which groups of people were hated by the Jews for helping foreign rulers?

13 / 50

13. Which gospel writer described Jesus as the new Moses?

14 / 50

14. Which of the following types of prayers did Jesus spend a lot of time on?

15 / 50

15. In Hinduism, when the body of a dead person is burnt it shows that his/her soul........

16 / 50

16. ...........… is a set of rules and beliefs that distinguish good from bad behavior.

17 / 50

17. "You appointed him ruler over everything you made. You placed him over all creation". In which scripture are these words found?

18 / 50

18. In Zambian tradition, proverbs are teachings that help young people to grow up into…. of the community.

19 / 50

19. Competition between people can cause ….

20 / 50

20. Our hopes are based on reasons, while our ambitions are based on…

21 / 50

21. How was truth known according to the Zambian Traditional life? Truth was known by...

22 / 50

22. In most traditions, the purpose of marriage was to ….

23 / 50

23. The list of the BibIe books accepted by the church is called the ...

24 / 50

24. Pupils learn spiritual and moral education in schools, so that they.

25 / 50

25. At which age was a Jewish boy allowed to participate in the activities of men?

26 / 50

26. In Hinduism, the freedom of being born into another body is called

27 / 50

27. Amina is a committed Muslim girl. What is the Muslim standard of truth that Amina believes in?

28 / 50

28. What gives people inner strength?

29 / 50

29. Sibisa is a learner in Grade 9. He wakes up early in the morning every day and reads a scripture from a small book whose title is 'Examining the scriptures daily'.

Which one of the following best describes Sibisa's aim in life?

30 / 50

30. Why do communities and groups of people have leaders?

31 / 50

31. Which of the following proverbs teaches about freedom in the community?

32 / 50

32. Which of the following comes first when one seeks for forgiveness from God?

33 / 50

33. Identify one way in which pain can be useful to people.

34 / 50

34. What name is given to a person's judgement of what is important in one's life?

35 / 50

35. Competition must always go hand in hand with …

36 / 50

36. Christians are convinced that there is life after death. Which act of Jesus do Christians apply to their belief in life after death?

37 / 50

37. When you choose which of your talents you will develop, you must ........

38 / 50

38. Which of the following helps people control their sexual desires?

39 / 50

39. The Luvale proverb “Fwelela nakuhane, nakushiki nakwango” (Trust the one who has given you; the one who have just promised has deceived you) teaches about ...

40 / 50

40. What two methods does the Guru use to teach the right path?

41 / 50

41. Which one of the following concept is concerned with how you think and feel about yourself?

42 / 50

42. In Zambian tradition, dowry (lobola) was given to the woman’s family and in Hinduism, dowry was given to the ….

43 / 50

43. "Kwataku na mukwenu, ukawove mulemana" (Luvale proverb) "Hold there with another person, alone it will hurt" The above proverb teaches about ...

44 / 50

44. In Zambian Traditional life, people are advised to help each other and to ...

45 / 50

45. Which one of the following best describes the Bible? A collection of...

46 / 50

46. The prophet Muhammad said “A man who has been blessed with a chaste wife has been helped by God to achieve half his Islam” which other half should he achieve?

47 / 50

47. Which of the following religion calls God the Path, Comforter, Creator?

48 / 50

48. The statement 'God is love' is an example of...

49 / 50

49. The Bible is the Word of God. This statement is an example of …

50 / 50

50. One is able to develop his/her talent by…..

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Grade 7

G7 English

0 votes, 0 avg

English G7

1 / 49

1. The headteacher sat............................. two pupils.

2 / 49

2. I bought a blue dress ........................... I like blue.

3 / 49

3. The babv cried immediately the mother arrived. This sentence means the

4 / 49

4. Buses are not to be overloaded. This means that

5 / 49

5. I spend all my time alone because I feel shy to talk to other people. This sentence means.

6 / 49

6. A ................................. should be kept clean all the time.

7 / 49

7. All the girls came to check for the examination results, I don't know who told ...................

8 / 49

8. Put your books_______that desk.

9 / 49


  • My mother .........................nice scones.

10 / 49

10. Each question has four paragraphs. You must choose the paragraph which has the sentences in the BEST order

11 / 49

11. I know you........................... like swimming.

12 / 49

12. The total eclipse of the sun ..................   in the year 2001.

13 / 49


This part has THREE stories with questions on each. Read each story carefully and then look at the questions which follow. For each question, four possible answers are given. By reading carefully, you will be able to choose which of the four is the BEST answer to the question.


A good juicy and ripe pineapple can satisfy craving just as any chocolate bar. In addition to being a delicious food, there are many health properties in the fruit. It is grown abundantly in North Western Province of Zambia, especially around

Ikelenge. The best can be achieved through eating it fresh, canned or frozen or by drinking its juice.

The Pineapple is loaded with vitamins and minerals. Its nutrients include calcium, potassium, fibre and vitamin C. Besides, it is low in fat and cholesterol. It is high in the enzyme bromelain and the antioxidant vitamin C, both of which play a major role in the body's healing process.

The word juice in the story means...............................

14 / 49

14. Zambian Christians belong to different denominations. The word denominations means that........................

15 / 49


This part has THREE stories with questions on each. Read each story carefully and then look at the questions which follow. For each question, four possible answers are given. By reading carefully, you will be able to choose which of the four is the BEST answer to the question.


A good juicy and ripe pineapple can satisfy craving just as any chocolate bar. In addition to being a delicious food, there are many health properties in the fruit. It is grown abundantly in North Western Province of Zambia, especially around

Ikelenge. The best can be achieved through eating it fresh, canned or frozen or by drinking its juice.

The Pineapple is loaded with vitamins and minerals. Its nutrients include calcium, potassium, fibre and vitamin C. Besides, it is low in fat and cholesterol. It is high in the enzyme bromelain and the antioxidant vitamin C, both of which play a major role in the body's healing process.

Calcium and potassium in pineapple are required for..........................

16 / 49


This part has THREE stories with questions on each. Read each story carefully and then look at the questions which follow. For each question, four possible answers are given. By reading carefully, you will be able to choose which of the four is the BEST answer to the question.


A good juicy and ripe pineapple can satisfy craving just as any chocolate bar. In addition to being a delicious food, there are many health properties in the fruit. It is grown abundantly in North Western Province of Zambia, especially around

Ikelenge. The best can be achieved through eating it fresh, canned or frozen or by drinking its juice.

The Pineapple is loaded with vitamins and minerals. Its nutrients include calcium, potassium, fibre and vitamin C. Besides, it is low in fat and cholesterol. It is high in the enzyme bromelain and the antioxidant vitamin C, both of which play a major role in the body's healing process.

Name the two main nutrients found in pineapple.......................................

17 / 49

17. The log was too.......................... for a small boy to lift.

18 / 49

18. Zambian Christians belong to different denominations. The word denominations means that........................

19 / 49

19. My story has only one..........................................................

20 / 49

20. Each question has four paragraphs. You must choose the paragraph which has the sentences in the BEST order

21 / 49

21. It is either Peter goes to the market.......................... he cleans the kitchen.

22 / 49

22. In each question there are four sentences that are almost the same, but only one has the correct punctuation marks. Choose the sentence which is correct.

23 / 49

23. In each question there are four sentences that are almost the same, but only one has the correct punctuation marks. Choose the sentence which is correct.

24 / 49

24. Yesterday we .................................. to the market to buy soap.

25 / 49

25. Will you please come………… me to town?

26 / 49

26. Each question has four paragraphs. You must choose the paragraph which has the sentences in the BEST order

27 / 49

27. On the way to the river she met a stranger. The word stranqer in the sentence means .............................

28 / 49

28. Each question has four paragraphs. You must choose the paragraph which has the sentences in the BEST order

29 / 49

29. If she had come on time she wouldn't have been late for lessons. This sentence means she

30 / 49

30. Donald is a young man. He will not leave the room dirty.

31 / 49

31. Each question has four paragraphs. You must choose the paragraph which has the sentences in the BEST order

32 / 49

32. The wedding parcel was............................... in a colourful paper.

33 / 49

33. In each question there are four sentences that are almost the same, but only one has the correct punctuation marks. Choose the sentence which is correct.

34 / 49

34. Rice is one of the crops qrown in Zambia. This sentence means rice •.................

35 / 49

35. Zambia is a ...........................because it is ruled by a president.

36 / 49

36. Most citizens are ignorant of their rights. The word iqnorant means

37 / 49

37. Mrs Musonda gave no attention or care to the crying baby. The words no attention or care mean

38 / 49

38. Having sold several bags of maize at K50,000 each, the farmer realized that his business still operated at a loss. The words at a loss mean

39 / 49

39. Each question has four paragraphs. You must choose the paragraph which has the sentences in the BEST order

40 / 49

40. A large crowd came to watch the game between Zambia and Congo.................. of the bad weather.

41 / 49


This part has THREE stories with questions on each. Read each story carefully and then look at the questions which follow. For each question, four possible answers are given. By reading carefully, you will be able to choose which of the four is the BEST answer to the question.


A good juicy and ripe pineapple can satisfy craving just as any chocolate bar. In addition to being a delicious food, there are many health properties in the fruit. It is grown abundantly in North Western Province of Zambia, especially around

Ikelenge. The best can be achieved through eating it fresh, canned or frozen or by drinking its juice.

The Pineapple is loaded with vitamins and minerals. Its nutrients include calcium, potassium, fibre and vitamin C. Besides, it is low in fat and cholesterol. It is high in the enzyme bromelain and the antioxidant vitamin C, both of which play a major role in the body's healing process.

A pineapple has ......................... elements that help keep the body healthy.

42 / 49

42. There are............................. books in this box.

43 / 49

43. She climbed the tree......................., she could pluck the mango.

44 / 49

44. The computer has done more good than bad to the society. This sentence means the computer is ........

45 / 49

45. In each question there are four sentences that are almost the same, but only one has the correct punctuation marks. Choose the sentence which is correct.

46 / 49

46. ................................did not grow maize because they had no fertilizer.

47 / 49

47. Mulenga has the .............................car in town.

48 / 49

48. In each question there are four sentences that are almost the same, but only one has the correct punctuation marks. Choose the sentence which is correct.

49 / 49

49. The thief …….......... stole the bicycle has been arrested.

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G7 Social Studies

0 votes, 0 avg

Social Studies G7

1 / 49

1. The best way of earning money is by ...................

2 / 49

2. Zambia has ............................. organs of government.

3 / 49

3. The Chairperson of the National Assembly is the ...................................

4 / 49

4. Which of the following is an effect of rapid population growth?

5 / 49

5. ........................ is a medium of exchange used to buy goods and services.

6 / 49

6. What is the largest river in Zambia?

7 / 49

7. A mosque is a place of worship for .......................... religion

8 / 49

8. A cyclist should wear reflective clothes at night to be .......................

9 / 49

9. The best way of spending money is by ............................

10 / 49

10. The safest way of transporting oil from Tanzania to Zambia is by ........................

11 / 49

11. Taking care of the drainages can help prevent floods and .........................

12 / 49

12. In Christianity temptation is when a person ..................................

13 / 49

13. ............. is a place where people take money and other valuables for safe keeping.

14 / 49

14. The world's highest mountains are the ...............................

15 / 49

15. In the stone Age, people lived in ..........................................

16 / 49

16. People living with HIV and AIDS need to be .............................

17 / 49

17. The Ncwala ceremony is performed by the ...............................

18 / 49

18. Which of the following is the safest way of crossing the road?

19 / 49

19. Which of the following factors does not influence settlement of people?

20 / 49

20. Temperature is measured in ..............................

21 / 49

21. Timber is transported from Mulobezi to Livingstone by .........................

22 / 49

22. The ......................................... guards against corruption in Zambia.

23 / 49

23. David faced Goliath in the battle because he ..............................

24 / 49

24. Workers are paid for their ............................ at the end of the month.

25 / 49

25. An entrepreneur bought goods worth K150 but after reselling he just had K50. What did he make?

26 / 49

26. .............................. is one of the values parents need to teach children.

27 / 49

27. The .................. falls are the second highest in Africa.

28 / 49

28. What do the letters ATM stand for?

29 / 49

29. A bad leader is the one that ........................

30 / 49

30. ................... are based on the difference between how men and women behave.

31 / 49

31. Which of the following is the quickest way to send a written message?

32 / 49

32. Zambia has different traditional ceremonies because of many .............................

33 / 49

33. Which of the following wastes is not bio-degradable?

34 / 49

34. .................................is caused by gases that come from factories and vehicles.

35 / 49

35. ....................... helps people to have courage to face difficult situations.

36 / 49

36. General elections in Zambia are held every.................... years

37 / 49

37. ...........................is when a business makes more money than what was put in

38 / 49

38. What is the provincial headquarters of North-Western Province?

39 / 49

39. The highest denomination of money used in Zambia is ...................

40 / 49

40. Martin Luther King Junior fought for .......... of black people in America.

41 / 49

41. Zambia has ............................... provinces.

42 / 49

42. Deserts are hotter than equatorial regions because..................................

43 / 49

43. Food shortages in some parts of the world are as a result of ...................................

44 / 49

44. Which of the following human activity cannot improve the environment?

45 / 49

45. Which ministry is responsible for issuing birth records?

46 / 49

46. Politeness when answering shows ............................. others.

47 / 49

47. ..............................is the type of family where children belong more to the mother's side.

48 / 49

48. Name the currency for Botswana.

49 / 49

49. ............................... is the moisture content of the atmosphere.

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Special Paper 1

0 votes, 0 avg

Special Paper 1 G7

1 / 33

1. Three of the following are ALIKE in some way. Which one is DIFFERENT?

2 / 33

2. WHEAT is to FLOUR as SUNFLOWER is to ..............

3 / 33

3. Which word would complete the word pattern?




HABITS - __________

4 / 33

4. A nuclear family ALWAYS HAS a .................

5 / 33

5. A jail ALWAYS HAS .............

6 / 33

6. What must be put in the box to complete the series?

3,12,4, 20,5,30,6,____, 7

7 / 33

7. Three of the following are ALIKE in some way, which one is DIFFERENT?

8 / 33

8. SOUTH AFRICA is to RAND as MALAWI is to ...............

9 / 33

9. Which letters must be put in box to complete the pattern?

BAC - CBD - DCE - EDF   [     ]

10 / 33

10. 11 Zambia National Soccer Team players were playing against the Angola National
Team. A referee gave 1 red card to an Angolan player who was sent out of the match.
How many players remained for Angola?

11 / 33

11. Which word would complete the pattern?




ADVICE - ___________

12 / 33

12. Which number should be put in the space to complete the series?

8,65,7,60,6,55,5,50,4, ______

13 / 33

13. If the following letters are arranged in ALPHABETICAL ORDER, which one would come

14 / 33

14. TALL is to SHORT as VERTICAL is to ...........

15 / 33

15. Mrs Zambani sold her maize bags in 3 weeks. In the first week she collected k26.00, in the second week she collected k30.00 and in the third week she collected k45.00. How much money did she collect altogether?

16 / 33

16. A wife ALWAYS HAS a

17 / 33

17. If 92642315 means CAMPAIGN, what does 624 stand for?

18 / 33

18. What comes next in the series?

A4C - D8F - G12I - [__]

19 / 33

19. A wife ALWAYS HAS a

20 / 33

20. Bwalya was 43 years old when the last census was conducted. How old will Bwalya be
when the next census will be conducted?

21 / 33

21. BOTANY is to PLANT as ZOO is to ...................................

22 / 33

22. Which number should should be put in the box complete the series?

14,28,42,56,70, _______

23 / 33

23. Which word come second if they were arranged in ALPHABETICAL order?

24 / 33

24. Which word must be put in the blank to complete the sequence?

DAY, ________, MONTH, YEAR

25 / 33

25. Which one is DIFFERENT from others?

26 / 33

26. What comes NEXT in the series?

A36C - D30F - G24I - {___}

27 / 33

27. Which letters come NEXT in the series?

ABZ - CDY - EFX - GHW - _____

28 / 33

28. Which of the following words comes LAST when put in ALPHABETICAL ORDER?

29 / 33

29. Three of the following are ALIKE in some way, which one is DIFFERENT?

30 / 33

30. What comes next in the series?

ZZ A 60 - YY B 45 - XX C 30 -  _____

31 / 33

31. Three of the following are ALIKE in some way, which one is DIFFERENT?

32 / 33

32. An examination was to end at 15.30 hours but due to disturbances, it ended at 16.00 hours. How long did the disturbance last?

33 / 33

33. Three of the following are ALIKE in some way, which one is DIFFERENT?

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G7 Math

0 votes, 0 avg

Maths G7

1 / 32

1. Add  251 279 to 384 945

2 / 32

2. Matemba bought 16.52kg of beef. Write the mass of beef to one decimal place.

3 / 32

3. 3 335 to the nearest hundred is ............................

4 / 32

4. Using = 3.14, calculate the area of a circle of radius 4cm.

5 / 32

5. Express 0.45 as a percentage.

6 / 32

6. Mutale had $28. He bought a shirt and a pair of shoes and his change was $3. How much did he spend?

7 / 32

7. Machipisa sold all his goods at a discount of 10%. What was the discount on a dress which he was selling at K800.00?

8 / 32

8. The numbers 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 are multiples of............................

9 / 32

9. Find the Highest Common Factor of 12 and 18.

10 / 32

10. Express the ratio 8 metres to 800 metres in its lowest terms.

11 / 32

11. 1.41 + 5.97 + 15.048 =

12 / 32

12. A company bought 759 pockets of cement in one shop and 456 pockets in another shop. How many pockets of cement did the company buy altogether?

13 / 32

13. Musonda had 21 eggs in a box. If y eggs are broken and 17 eggs are left. Find the value of y.

14 / 32

14. If 2 shirts cost Kl 50.00, how much will 12 shirts of the same type cost?

15 / 32

15. Find the value of 42 .

16 / 32

16. A regular polygon with four sides is called a ..................

17 / 32

17. Find the mean of 90, 80 and 40.

18 / 32

18. Express the ratio 5kg to 25kg in its lowest terms.

19 / 32

19. Express      3/4     as a percentage

20 / 32

20. 53 can also be written as ...........................................

21 / 32

21. Find 40% of 200

22 / 32

22. A bicycle was bought at K750.00 and was later sold at K645.00. Find the loss that was made.

23 / 32

23. In Roman numerals, the number 1 643 can be written as ............................

24 / 32

24. Find the perimeter of a triangular field measuring 125 metres by 100 metres by 75 metres.

25 / 32

25. Find the volume of a cuboid of length 7cm, breadth 5cm and height 3cm.

26 / 32

26. 823 146-371 502 = __________

27 / 32

27. Change 4/5 to a decimal fraction.

28 / 32

28. Convert 0.25 to a percentage.

29 / 32

29. In Hindu-Arabic numerals, the Roman numeral LXXIV can be written as

30 / 32

30. Find the next number in the sequence 23, 20, 17, 14,______

31 / 32

31. If 15% of a class of 40 learners go to school by bus, how many learners in the class use a bus?

32 / 32

32. Mubita covered a distance of 280km in 4 hours. At what speed was he driving?

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0 votes, 0 avg

Creative and Technology Studies G7

1 / 45

1. Which of the following is a fourth musical note on a tonic solfa?

2 / 45

2. What are artefacts?

3 / 45

3. Sketching of an object gives you ................... drawing.

4 / 45


Cardiovascular fitness can be tested by .........................................

5 / 45

5. Computers have become useful equipment in running of business because .......................

6 / 45

6. Apart from being a competitive sport, running is often done for ...................

7 / 45

7. The people who buy goods from businessmen or women are called their ..........

8 / 45

8. Which one has a correct action and its effect?

9 / 45

9. The letter P can be constructed under......................... square boxes.

10 / 45

10. Which of the following groups show the primary colours?

11 / 45

11. How many primary colours do we have?

12 / 45

12. In order to satisfy his customers, Mr Chopa sells ...................... items to his customers.

13 / 45

13. Choolwe painted pictures to sell. To decide on a price for each picture, she had to consider certain things. Which of these must she not think of?

14 / 45


Politicians usually ask musicians to compose campaign songs for them during election period. They do so because ....

songs for them during election period. They do so because ....

15 / 45

15. In a soccer game, the ........................................ controls the game.

16 / 45

16. Wearing proper clothing for swimming activities is necessary to ......

17 / 45

17. To avoid wood from being destroyed by termites, it should be .........

18 / 45

18. Why do we wear goggles in a workshop?

19 / 45

19. To turn current on and off a ........................................ is used.

20 / 45

20. Endurance in sports is when one can .........................

21 / 45

21. To avoid accidents in a playground, learners must........

22 / 45

22. Mr Zulu spent K170 to produce a door and later sold the door at K210. We can say that he made a .............

23 / 45

23. To prevent hand tools from breaking in the workshop, Chawa put them in .................

24 / 45

24. The following are parts in music except for............

25 / 45

25. A Home Economics teacher demonstrated to her class how to treat water for drinking. She added chlorine to one container of water and then she boiled some water which she put in another container. She told her class that those two methods help in ........................... water-borne diseases.

26 / 45

26. Which of the following has the correct list of the items as ranged in a simple circuit?

27 / 45

27. Collect a few different fruits and arrange them on a table. Put them in a basket, draw them as you see them. Show their texture and shapes. What type of drawing is this?

28 / 45

28. A book used for drawing is called a ..............

29 / 45

29. Which of the following dances is performed by women only?

30 / 45

30. Crocheting can be used to .........................

31 / 45

31. Which of the following musical instruments uses strings to produce sound?

32 / 45

32. What is cursor status? It is ...................................

33 / 45

33. The difference between a hammer and a mallet is that the hammer is ...

34 / 45

34. It costed Milimo K150.00 to make a table and he sold it at K250.00. He made .....

35 / 45

35. Which of the following is not an aerobic activity?

36 / 45

36. ..................................... is a type of drawing that shows one side of an object at a time.

37 / 45

37. A good enterprise can only grow where there is ......................

38 / 45

38. Drawing things from the mind is known as ....................... drawing.

39 / 45

39. Someone washing a car is providing a ....................

40 / 45

40. What would be a suitable instrument to use when taking body measurement?

41 / 45

41. An example of a source of light in rural areas is ......

42 / 45

42. Which of the following exercise relaxes the back?

43 / 45

43. Performing Art can be used to ............................ messages.

44 / 45

44. After being typed, a document was being checked for possible miss spellings and missing words. The document was being ..............

45 / 45

45. A good enterprise can only grow where there is .........................................

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G7 Science

0 votes, 0 avg

Intergrated Science G7

1 / 33

1. A person who smokes too much tobacco is likely to suffer from...................

2 / 33

2. The absence of starch in a leaf is shown when iodine solution turns

3 / 33

3. Which of the following diseases is prevented by drinking clean safe water?

4 / 33

4. Which of the following is not a basic need for livestock?

5 / 33

5. Blood leaving the heart moving to the body flows through the blood vessel.

6 / 33

6. Heat in the body is normally spread by .............

7 / 33

7. A cow produces 15 litres of milk per day. After it was attacked by parasites, the milk production came to 11 litres a day. The effect of this parasite reduced the milk yield by

8 / 33

8. Which group of vertebrate animals does a toad belong to?

9 / 33

9. When a ball is thrown into the air, it falls back again because of the force called

10 / 33

10. Many cooking pots are made of metals instead of clay because a metal is.........

11 / 33

11. Which of the following is a set of non flowering plants?

12 / 33

12. Which of the following is a source of light in the solar system?

13 / 33

13. Dissolved substances in the body are transported by the

14 / 33

14. The diagram below shows the water cycle in nature.

What process is taking place at 2

15 / 33

15. Drinking too much alcohol usually leads to.....................

16 / 33

16. Which of the following is not a planet?

17 / 33

17. The diagram below represents a flower.

The function of the part labelled M is to...........

18 / 33

18. Study the following lists.
1. Iron, Zinc, Copper, Aluminium
2. Carbon, Hydrogen, Zinc, Carbon dioxide
3. Iron, Zinc, Hydrogen, Oxygen
4. Carbon dioxide, Copper, Zinc, Oxygen
Which list consists of metals only?

19 / 33

19. Bean seeds are usually dispersed by.................

20 / 33

20. The fish ban is practised in Zambia from 1st December to 31st March every year. This is done to ensure that fish is..................................

21 / 33

21. What are the benefits of bees being found in a sunflower field? They help in ...........

22 / 33

22. A grade 7 learner carried out the following investigation to find the volume of a stone. Volume of water Volume of water before a stone was after a stone was dipped in   dipped in

23 / 33

23. Learners in a class listed down the following health risks of early sexual debut:

  1. Does not increase risk of cervical cancer
  2. Cannot result in secondary infertility
  3. Only girls can get STIs
  4. Both boys and girls can get STIs
    Which of the health risks listed above is correct?

24 / 33

24. Which of the following is not an agent of pollination?

25 / 33

25. In a hydro-electric power station, the energy transformations that take place are

26 / 33

26. Which of the following is a plant material used to control pests?

27 / 33

27. What electrical appliance can convert electrical energy into light energy?

28 / 33

28. Study the diagram of the digestive system below.

What happens at X?

29 / 33

29. Study the diagram below carefully. Note that X is from Liquid to Gas

What are the processes X and Y?

30 / 33

30. Which of the following are skin diseases?

31 / 33

31. Which of the following living things has a head, body and eight legs only?

32 / 33

32. Study the diagram of the digestive system below.

In which two parts of the digestive system are food and water absorbed? Note that 3 is the small intestine and 4 is the large intestine.

33 / 33

33. Study the apparatus shown below.

The apparatus is used to measure...................................

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